LEAKED: 🎂 Donald Trump’s Birthday Card, From A MAGA Veepstakes Contender

Today, the DNC got an EXCLUSIVE look at a new e-card one of Donald Trump’s MAGA veepstakes contenders is sending him for his birthday right here. We might not know exactly who it’s from, but here’s a sneak peek at what it says anyway: 

“Happy birthday, President Donald Trump! 🥳

I know the American people might not like you that much, but I promise to never leave your side. From lying about the 2020 election to pushing your MAGA agenda to ban abortion, raise health care costs, and give billionaires another tax handout while gutting Social Security and Medicare, I’ll say and do whatever you need me to. I won’t even commit to accepting the results of the next election!

When you have a free moment between golf rounds and court visits, we should celebrate! I think Wednesdays you’re usually still free?

P.S.: Can you also make me your vice president please please please please please please please please please? 

Your biggest fan,


*But let’s be honest, it could be just about any of them.