In Philadelphia, Trump Can’t Erase His Disastrous Record for Black Communities

He hasn’t taken the stage yet, but it’s clear that when Donald Trump steps up to the podium today, he’ll be spewing lies about his disastrous record that put Black Americans last. His campaign is based on putting people down – his visit to Philadelphia to woo Black voters — in a performative show of outreach — comes after he’s called the city one of the “most corrupt political places anywhere in our country, easily.” He has repeatedly gone after cities home to large Black communities, but when he needs votes, he obfuscates his record. Donald Trump was bad for Black Americans, and he’ll continue to be if he’s reelected in November. 

DNC Senior Spokesperson Marcus W. Robinson released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump was a disaster for Black communities in Philadelphia and nationwide. Over and over, he has tried to assure us that he’s not racist, but his actions make it clear that he doesn’t care about our lives, our families, or the health of our communities. During his tenure, unemployment spiked for Black Americans, and his tax scam widened the racial wealth gap. He’s promised to double down on his billionaire tax giveaways if reelected, leaving working- and middle-class Black Pennsylvanians behind. His dismal record is in stark contrast to President Biden’s – Black unemployment is historically low, Black wealth is up 60% since the pandemic, and Black small businesses are starting up at the fastest rate in 30 years. There is a clear choice on the ballot this year – President Biden and Vice President Harris will continue their work to uplift Black families if we give them four more years.”