ICYMI: Two Years After Dobbs, Democrats Continue to Fight for Americans’ Reproductive Freedom 

In the two years since Donald Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade, Democrats from state houses, to the halls of Congress, to the Oval Office have responded with unprecedented action to protect women’s reproductive freedoms against MAGA abortion bans and attacks on reproductive care by organizing and mobilizing against anti-abortion extremism. MAGA extremists from Louisiana to Idaho have tried everything to undermine our rights, from total abortion bans with no exceptions to ripping away access to IVF and refusing to protect access to contraception, and even criminalizing safe and effective medication abortion pills. Meanwhile, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats across the country are fighting to defend women’s freedom to make their own health care decisions — and come November, Trump and MAGA Republicans’ extreme anti-choice agenda will be defeated once more. 

Last week, Democratic leaders from the DNC, DCCC, and DSCC underlined the battle for reproductive freedom as a defining issue in this election up and down the ballot, outlined how critical it is to not only reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris but also to elect Democrats to the House and Senate who will protect reproductive rights, and laid out what’s at stakes this November for women across the country who are already suffering under Donald Trump’s extreme abortion bans.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison: “We need someone who will fight to restore the protections of Roe, go to the mat for access to contraception, and uplift the voices of women nationwide. … Under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership, we have defended reproductive freedom in the courtroom, protected access to abortion for our military families, and we have strengthened access to contraception. … And with four more years in the White House and a majority in Congress, President Biden will codify the protections of Roe as the law of the land.” 

DSCC Vice Chair Sen. Tina Smith: “On record and on video, Republican Senate candidates have made it clear that they oppose women’s rights to make their own decisions and that they stand in lockstep with their party’s dangerous agenda to control women’s reproductive health care by banning abortion with no exceptions. … Republicans say that they have a messaging problem on reproductive freedom and abortion care. No, they have a policy problem because they’re on the wrong side of American voters, and you can see it when you go to GOPonabortion.com.”

DCCC Chair Rep. Suzan DelBene: “This election is fundamentally about our rights, our freedoms, our democracy, and our future. House Republicans have made it clear that they’re willing to do anything to take those away. At the DCCC, we remain fully committed to supporting candidates who are standing up for our freedoms and our families, and holding Republicans accountable for their extreme anti-abortion stances. Come November, we’ll take back the House of Representatives and defend our rights and enshrine the protections of Roe once and for all.”

The DNC also hosted a press call with Reproductive Freedom For All President Mini Timmaraju and Democrats from Republican-controlled states to remind voters that Trump owns every single extreme abortion ban in states across the country — and no state, no matter red, blue, or purple — would be safe from his plans for a national ban if he retakes power.

Mini Timmaraju, President and CEO, Reproductive Freedom for All: “I’ve got to keep repeating that this is the America that Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans built. Trump cemented the anti-abortion majority on the court who handed down the Dobbs decision and opened the door for abortion bans that are putting pregnant people’s health, well-being, and lives on the line. Make no mistake: if Republicans win majorities in Congress and Donald Trump, god forbid, locks in the presidency, a national abortion ban is next.”


“Make no mistake whoever his MAGA vice president pick ends up being will be lining up to help make that happen. Every single one of his potential picks is just as extreme as he is. These candidates are hellbent, hellbent, on ending abortion access in every state, and they will not stop there. From the previous policies they’ve supported to their hateful remarks, and embarrassing, embarrassing, displays of MAGA loyalty, Trump’s potential running mates are all falling in line behind him as he doubles down on his extreme anti-abortion platform, calling the abortion bans he helped orchestrate ‘a beautiful thing to watch’ even as they deny people the care they need.”

Alabama State Rep. Marilyn Lands: “Now women in our state and others, because of the draconian abortion ban, are being forced to travel out of state to receive the same care that I depended on because today they have fewer rights than I did when I was forced to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. The past two years have proven that overturning Roe v. Wade wasn’t the end – it’s just the beginning of Republicans’ assault on reproductive health care. These attacks are harming so many women and exasperating long-standing health inequalities. Because Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, women are struggling to access the very basic care they need – especially women living in our rural communities, where Trump has supercharged a health care workforce shortage and created a real medical crisis.”

Jeanna Repass, Kansas Democratic Party Chair: “Make no mistake: if Donald Trump wins a second term as president, all of the work that Democrats have done to protect abortion in Kansas will be for nothing because Trump is hellbent on implementing a national abortion ban that would overturn the will of our voters. It’s critical that we mobilize voters in every single state – no matter if they swing red, or blue, or purple – we have to reelect President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Lauren Necochea, Idaho Democratic Party Chair: “Idaho is a terrifying cautionary tale for our nation. When Republicans seize power, they cater to the fringe, anti-abortion hardliners, no matter the human suffering. Since we lost protections from a lower court ruling for medical emergencies, Idaho’s largest health system has been airlifting patients with pregnancy complications out of state every two weeks. Lacking any compassion, Republican leaders went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to maintain this horrific reality. Now, the same Supreme Court justices that overturned Roe are preparing to hand down their decision on whether or not women across the country have the right to emergency reproductive care due to Idaho’s MAGA Republican politicians.”

The DNC is investing millions to build up infrastructure across the country and help elect Democrats up and down the ballot to defend women’s reproductive freedoms. 

CBS News: “The Democratic National Committee is launching a new effort to put abortion top of mind for women across the country as the country marks two years since the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which ended the constitutional right to an abortion. According to a new memo, shown exclusively to CBS News, the DNC is investing at least $8.3 million across every state party in the country this year —  a 25% increase since 2020. 

“In addition to the investments across all state parties, the DNC has also given seven-figure grants to battleground state parties to focus their messaging on abortion ahead of the presidential election. The memo also states that the DNC is ‘building infrastructure in red states to fight back against these bans’ with what is known as the ‘Red State Fund.’ The fund — which targets traditionally Republican states — will be the offensive arm for Democrats to provide resources and education against abortion restrictions.”