DNC and ID Democratic Party Statements on SCOTUS Decision On Emergency Reproductive Care As Trump and MAGA Republicans Try to Ban Abortion Nationwide

Because of Donald Trump, the health of pregnant women living under extreme abortion bans remains in peril:

“Women across the U.S. understand that reproductive health care – emergency or otherwise – remains in jeopardy thanks to Donald Trump,” said DNC Spokesperson Maddy Mundy. “Trump orchestrated the fall of Roe v. Wade and believes that the abortion bans put in place by his MAGA allies are ‘working very brilliantly.’ From endorsing extreme abortion bans to saying states should be able to  prosecute women who receive abortion care, Trump and his MAGA minions want to punish women. If elected, Trump will ban access to abortion nationwide. Voters won’t stand for Trump’s agenda to rip away even more of their freedoms, and they won’t allow him back in the White House.”

“Idaho provides a terrifying cautionary tale for our nation,” said Idaho Democratic Party Chair Rep. Lauren Necochea. “When Republican politicians seize power, they cater to the fringe anti-abortion hardliners, no matter the human suffering. Our small state has lost nearly a quarter of our OBGYNs, over half our maternal and fetal medicine specialists, and three labor and delivery wards. In the last few months, Idaho’s largest health system has been airlifting patients with pregnancy complications out of state every two weeks. Lacking any compassion, Republican leaders went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to maintain this horrific reality. This ruling provides only a sliver of temporary relief for certain emergency complications and doesn’t change the fact that Republican politicians want a national abortion ban that will leave women with nowhere in the country to flee for care. The only way to avoid this nightmare nationwide is to elect Democrats up and down the ballot who will continue fighting for our reproductive freedoms.”