STATEMENT: DNC to RFK Jr.: No More Delays. Show Voters Your Tax Returns and Medical History Now.

While RFK Jr. claims to be the most transparent candidate in this race, he continues to stall the release of his tax returns and personal financial disclosures. RFK Jr.’s extension on filing his financial disclosures expired today, and he just asked for another extension until July 12. RFK Jr. has tried to hide information from voters about his taxes and income by avoiding deadlines from the FEC two years in a row. 

All candidates had until May 15, 2024 to submit their financial disclosures, but RFK Jr. failed to be transparent with voters by filing for a 45 day extension. Last year, he failed to meet the deadline because, according to his campaign, “the demands on Mr. Kennedy’s time [had] been great.” 

The DNC has demanded more information about RFK Jr.’s tax returns, personal financial disclosures, and medical history for over a month. These calls follow reporting from the New York Times uncovering that a parasitic worm ate part of his brain and that he had cognitive problems following severe mercury poisoning. Despite these calls and committing to releasing his medical history in an interview with Brian Tyler Cohen, RFK Jr. continues to deny voters transparency. 

In response, DNC Spokesperson Matt Corridoni released the following statement: 

“RFK Jr. prides himself as a champion of transparency, yet he continues to run out the clock when it comes to releasing his tax returns, personal financial disclosures, and medical history. He’s missed two deadlines on his personal financial disclosure and has had a 45-day extension from the FEC, yet he continues to scam voters by denying them transparency about his personal finances. Not to mention, it’s been 54 days since the New York Times first reported about RFK Jr.’s parasitic brain worm and years of mercury poisoning, and 36 days since he promised to release his medical records. RFK Jr.’s avoidance of transparency is just another example of how he uses the Donald Trump playbook. We’re here to remind him that the so-called ‘demands’ of being RFK Jr. do not exempt him from the rules, and to remind voters the only thing we can trust  about RFK Jr. is he’s a spoiler in this race.”