REMINDER: Thanks to President Biden, NATO is Stronger, Larger, and More United Than Ever

To mark the 75th Anniversary NATO Summit, DNC National Press Secretary Emilia Rowland released the following statement: 

“As NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary, President Biden continues to emphasize how the military alliance is stronger than ever, while also pledging to further uphold the U.S.’s commitment to safeguarding democracy abroad. The Biden-Harris administration cleaned up the mess Trump left on the global stage – from threatening to pull out of NATO, to trying to add Russia back into the G7, repeatedly praising Putin, and even saying he trusted Putin over the U.S. intelligence community. President Biden has delivered by reinforcing our alliances and rallying NATO and our allies across the world to stand with Ukraine in the face of Putin’s aggression. While Trump continues to threaten to abandon NATO and cozy up to dictators like Vladimir Putin, one thing is certain: President Biden is busy working to ensure that NATO remains stronger, larger, and more united than it has ever been before.”

During opening remarks at the NATO Summit, President Biden underscored the United States’ steadfast commitment to the alliance, which has been a cornerstone of his presidency. 

President Biden: “Today, NATO is better resourced than it ever has been.

“I want to pause on this because it’s significant. […]

“It’s remarkable progress — proof that our commitment is broad and deep, that we’re ready, that we’re willing, and we’re able to deter aggression and defend every inch of NATO territory across every domain: land, air, sea, cyber, and space.

“My friends, it’s good that we’re stronger than ever, because this moment in history calls for our collective strength.”

White House Statement: “Now, like generations before us, we must choose to protect this progress and build on it. We must remember that the sacred commitment we make to our Allies—to defend every inch of NATO territory—makes us safer too, and gives the United States a bulwark of security unrivaled by any other nation in the world. And like our predecessors, we must ask ourselves what can we do—what must we do—to create a more peaceful future.”

BBC: “Biden pledges air defences for Ukraine as Nato summit begins”

New York Times: “Biden Offers ‘Ironclad’ Commitment to Allies, Defying Russia (and Trump)”

“‘When we stand together, no force on earth is more powerful,’ Mr. Biden said, citing former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, the Czech-born diplomat who championed NATO membership for Poland, Hungary and her homeland, finalized on this day in 1999 with the support of Mr. Biden, then a senator. ‘I believed that then, and I believe it now,’ he added.”

Washington Post: “Biden forcefully condemns Trump’s NATO comments as ‘un-American’”

The Biden-Harris administration has been unwavering in its support for Ukraine against Putin’s invasion.

BBC: “Biden condemns ‘Russian brutality’ after deadly Ukraine strikes”

WXIN: “Biden vows support for Ukraine”

Reuters: “US VP Harris announces $1.5 billion in Ukraine aid at Switzerland peace summit”

BBC: “G7 agrees $50bn loan for Ukraine from Russian assets”

The Hill: “Biden to host Polish leaders in show of support for Ukraine, NATO”

CNN: “Biden’s trip to Kyiv delivers the starkest rebuke possible to Putin”

President Biden has received praise for his strong and steady leadership on the global stage.

Politico: “Biden, who spent decades both as member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and vice president, is perceived internationally as someone U.S. allies can work with on issues ranging from climate change to holding Iran accountable for its nuclear ambitions. After Biden was elected, foreign leaders and diplomats quickly proclaimed the new American president would bring back something that had been missing for four years: normalcy.”

Pew Research Center: “America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden”

NBC News: “America’s global image under Biden skyrockets compared to Trump, survey finds”

Politico: “Trying to keep Russian President Vladimir Putin at bay without escalating the standoff into World War III, Biden has pushed allies to hold together, resisted calls for more direct confrontation, all while attempting to manage the economic impacts back home. The moment has showcased his pledge to reset America’s relationship with the world after four tumultuous years of former President Donald Trump — and heightened his recurring call for democracies to rally together to confront rising autocracies.”

Meanwhile, Trump continues to threaten to abandon NATO and allow Russia to “do whatever the hell they want.”

Trump: “No I would not protect you (NATO allies), in fact, I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want.”

Politico: “Trump says he would ‘encourage’ Russia to attack NATO allies who don’t pay up”

The Independent: “Trump refuses to commit to NATO in second term at Fox News town hall”

Trump: “We have to finish the process we began under my Administration of fundamentally reevaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission.”

Rolling Stone: “​​Trump Plots to Pull Out of NATO — If He Doesn’t Get His Way”

“Donald Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO during his first term, but was repeatedly talked out of it by senior administration officials. For a possible second term in the White House, [Trump] is already discussing how he could actually get it done, if his demands aren’t met by NATO.”

Politico: “Trump vowed he’d ‘never’ help Europe if it’s attacked, top EU official says”