WATCH: Biden-Harris 2024, DNC Host Press Conference Calling Out Trump-Vance Project 2025 Agenda to Terminate Health Care, Gut Social Security, and Destroy Unions

Today in Milwaukee, U.S. Senator Cory Booker, AFL–CIO President Liz Shuler, Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler, and Biden-Harris 2024 Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks hosted a press conference calling out Donald Trump and J.D. Vance’s extreme Project 2025 agenda to rip away health care access, slash Social Security and Medicare, and rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations at the expense of working families.


“We’re at a crossroads here, and it couldn’t be more stark. We have a pro-union president in office right now. We have a party that fights and protects unions. We have a party that protects women’s rights to choose. We have a party that’s proven they can lower health care costs, lower prescription drug costs, expand health coverage,” said U.S. Senator Cory Booker. “This is a stark choice folks between having health care and not. Between having reproductive rights and not. Between having affordable prescription drugs and not between having retirement security and not. But when it comes to the sacred American democracy, between our elections and preserving who we are, we now know that there is a team that believes the only way we will support the outcome of this election is if we win and if we lose we will use every bit of resources and power we do to subvert the ultimate will of the people, and that is unacceptable.”

“If you’re a working person out there and you’re considering this question of, ‘who do I vote for,’ I think you should ask yourself: Does this Project 2025 agenda make my life better if it were to become law? Would it make my life better? […] You’ve seen workers, they’re rising up all across this country because they’re fed up,” said AFL–CIO President Liz Shuler. “I believe when working people have the facts and they see the stark choices that we’ve been talking about this morning, we are going to invest in ourselves. We are going to invest in our future, and we are going to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who have a clear record and stand with working people.”

“Donald Trump’s Republican Party will always choose big, greedy anti-union extremists over the working men and women of America,” said Biden-Harris 2024 Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks. “We’ve witnessed the greatest economic recovery that this nation has ever seen, and that’s all thanks to the hard work of President Biden. Donald Trump called Milwaukee horrible, but the reality is there’s nothing more horrible than his vision for America. There’s only one ticket with the most pro-union, pro-worker president that this country has ever seen, and that is the Democratic ticket with President Biden and Vice President Harris. And with the American people’s support this November, the Biden-Harris administration will continue to fight for hardworking families for four more years.”

“President Biden is building the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. President Biden is taking on corporate greed and fighting to bring down costs. He faced down the biggest, most arrogant special interest in the country, the big pharmaceutical companies, and brought down the price of insulin to $35 a month for people on Medicare. Now he wants to do the same for every American. That contrast is clear as day,” said Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler. “We need a president who fights for working people, not for the ultra-billionaires, a president who’s already expanded overtime protections, who’s banned noncompete agreements, who’s consistently fought and advocated for workers’ rights, a president fighting to lower healthcare costs and expanding the Affordable Care Act. The last thing we need is a president who spent four years in office putting corporations first and the rest of us last, getting back into office to repeat the process on steroids.”