REMINDER: Another Trump Term Would Be Economically Disastrous for Arizona’s Latino Families

To ensure Latino families have the facts they need in this critical election after Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona yesterday, DNC Spokesperson Marco Frieri released the following statement:  

“Trump consistently attacks Latinos on the campaign trail as his Project 2025 agenda threatens to cost our families thousands of dollars a year if he’s reelected. Project 2025 would rip away affordable health care coverage, raise taxes on the middle-class, and send prices – from housing to the grocery store – soaring. When Trump was president, he rigged the economy for the rich and left Latino families behind and another Trump presidency would be an economic disaster for Arizona’s Latino community. In contrast, Vice President Harris has a plan to lower costs, create jobs, support Latino-owned small businesses, and build more housing. Democrats are doing the work on the ground to ensure Latino voters in Arizona and across the country know she has a plan for them. The stakes for Latino families could not be higher this election – Vice President Harris is the only candidate in this race fighting for us.”  

Vice President Harris announced a plan to help small businesses start, grow, and create jobs that will directly benefit Latino-owned small businesses.

Politico: “Harris targets small business tax break in contrast with Trump’s corporate tax cuts”

“Harris’ proposal, released on Tuesday, calls for significantly expanding the tax deduction for start-up expenses from $5,000 to $50,000, while also setting the goal of 25 million new small-business applications during her first term, according to a Harris campaign official granted anonymity to describe details of the plan. The plan also proposes reducing barriers to getting occupational licenses and developing a standard tax deduction for small businesses.

“The proposal’s focus on tax breaks for small businesses attempts to craft a contrast with Trump, who has called for lowering the corporate tax rate, as well as extending and expanding his 2017 tax law.”

Bloomberg: “Harris to Expand Small Business Tax Relief to Boost Startups”

“Harris also plans to initiate a small business expansion fund to enable community banks to cover interest costs when emerging enterprises are trying to expand, particularly in regions that have historically struggled to get investments. If elected, Harris will also pledge to ensure that one-third of federal contract dollars go to small businesses by expanding opportunities in rural areas and underserved communities.”

Trump’s comments have sparked outrage and fear from the Latino community. 

The Hill: Top Latina advocates decry Trump’s ‘not people’ comments

Axios: “Latino activists and political leaders worry that increasingly harsh and racist rhetoric about immigrants — particularly by Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters — is fueling a surge in the already record-breaking number of hate crimes against Latinos.”

The Guardian: ‘It’s worse than ever’: how Latinos are changing their lives in Trump’s America

Vice President Harris has proposed a four-year plan to alleviate America’s housing shortage and lower housing costs for working families:

Associated Press: “Harris campaign releases new ad to highlight plans to build 3 million homes and reduce inflation”

Copper Courier: “How Harris’ housing plan lines up with Arizona’s crackdown on corporate landlords”

CNN: “Harris to announce 4-year plan to lower housing costs”

Business Insider: “Kamala Harris is going full YIMBY — and housing experts are optimistic”

Trump’s economic agenda would raise costs for working families and skyrocket inflation. Experts agree that Trump’s plan would be a disaster:

USA Today: “According to a Moody’s study, Trump’s plan would trigger a recession by mid-2025 and an economy that grows an average 1.3% annually during his four-year term vs. 2.1% under Biden.”

The Atlantic: Trump’s Plan to Supercharge Inflation

“In an upcoming analysis shared exclusively with The Atlantic, Mark Zandi, the chief economist for Moody’s Analytics, forecasts that compared with current policies, Trump’s economic plans would increase the inflation rate and force the Federal Reserve Board to raise interest rates higher than they would be otherwise. ‘If he got what he wanted,’ Zandi told me, ‘you add it all up and it feels highly inflationary to me.’”

CNN: “How Trump’s tariff plans could kill jobs and worsen inflation

“Some economists are warning that Trump’s trade agenda and the ensuing retaliation from trading partners would hurt the US economy by worsening inflation, killing jobs, depressing growth and spooking investors.

In a worst-case scenario, economists fear these policies could set the stage for a recession.

“‘The policy is very bad. Tariffs make consumers poorer. They shrink the economy,’ Alex Durante, an economist at the Tax Foundation, a right-leaning think tank, told CNN in a phone interview. ‘This would probably be the most damaging part of a Trump 2.0 economic agenda.’”

Center for American Progress: “Former President Trump Proposes an Up to $3,900 Tax Increase for a Typical Family”

Axios: “Scoop: 16 Nobel economists see a Trump inflation bomb”

Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would repeal the Affordable Care Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, kicking millions of Latinos off their health insurance and raising the costs of prescription drugs. 

NBC News: “After years of threats, Trump still doesn’t have a plan to replace Obamacare” 

‘We are working on things. We’re going to do it. We’re going to replace it,’ Trump said.”

New York Times: “Former President Donald J. Trump’s suggestion in Tuesday’s debate that he had ‘concepts of a plan’ to replace the Affordable Care Act instantly became one of the night’s most memorable lines, transposed into memes across social media.”

Axios: ‘Obamacare was lousy health care. Always was,’ Trump said. ‘It’s not very good today. And what I said, that if we come up with something, we are working on things, we’re going to do it and we’re going to replace it.

Daily Beast: “Trump Revives Plan to Dismantle Obamacare if Elected in 2024”

Mediaite: “‘OBAMACARE SUCKS!!!’ Trump Rants About New Plan — Years After He Promised It Was ‘Two Weeks’ Away”

New York Times: “Trump Administration Files Formal Request to Strike Down All of Obamacare” 

WBUR: “Project 2025 also calls for the repeal of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.”

Project 2025: “Support repeal of massive spending bills like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).”

Vance: “I think there’s a lot of bad policy in [the IRA]. … And I’d like to see a lot of

Center for American Progress: “Project 2025 Prescription Drug Plan Would Increase Costs for as Many as 18.5 Million Seniors and Others With Medicare”

Trump wants to enact his extreme Project 2025 agenda that would rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy (again) while leaving working Latino families behind.

Trump: “You’re all people that have a lot of money… You’re rich as hell.… We’re gonna give you tax cuts.”

Vanity Fair: “Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report”

Center for American Progress: “Project 2025’s Tax Plan Would Raise Taxes on the Middle Class and Cut Taxes for the Wealthy”

Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

Economic Policy Institute: “The TCJA overwhelmingly benefited the rich and corporations while overlooking working families”

Vox: “Trump said this tax break was for small businesses. It’s giving $17 billion to millionaires this year”

New York Times: “White Americans Gain the Most From Trump’s Tax Cuts, a Report Finds”

As a result, the average tax cut going to a white American household is more than double one going to a black or Latino one.