DNC Statement on Latina Equal Pay Day

DNC Hispanic Caucus Chair Iris Martinez, DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford, and Acting Co-Executive Director Monica Guardiola released the following statement to recognize Latina Equal Pay Day: 

“This October 3, we observe Latina Equal Pay Day in recognition of the additional days that Latinas must work to earn what their white male counterparts earned on average in the previous year. Although Latinas excel in many industries across our country and are participating in the workforce in record numbers, Latinas continue to face a pay gap. As it stands, Latinas working full-time make only 58 cents for every dollar a white non-Hispanic male makes. Because of this, a typical Latina woman loses out on more than $1.2 million over the course of a 40-year career.

“In 2021, Latinas contributed $1.3 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product, yet Latinas remain overrepresented in lower-wage jobs, such as service and domestic work, and often lack basic workplace protections. The pay gap is even larger for immigrant Latinas. Their citizenship status often makes them more vulnerable to wage theft, discrimination, and harassment in the workplace. That’s unacceptable, and that’s why President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats continue to fight for equal pay for Latinas in this country. Until the women who perform some of the most essential jobs can achieve economic security, our economy and communities will not reach their full potential.

“We must remember that this disparity not only hurts Latinas but their families and communities. Vice President Harris understands the importance of closing gender and racial pay gaps, and remains committed to advancing pay and gender equity, fighting for economic security for all, and expanding access to good-paying jobs. Vice President Harris’ Opportunity Economy plan will provide Latinas with an expanded startup expense tax deduction to help start a small business. Additionally, she will expand the Earned Income Tax Credit for workers in lower-income jobs, which would cut taxes by up to $1,250. Vice President Harris has a plan to uplift Latinas, and bridge the wage gap. That’s why on November 5, we need to send Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the White House.”