The DNC today released a television ad in battleground states across the country about Green Party candidate Jill Stein and the threat that her spoiler candidacy poses in this election. 

The ad, titled “Crucial,” will run in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and on cable across the country. It features an image of Jill Stein that morphs into an image of Donald Trump, reminding voters that a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. In 2016, Stein handed the White House to Trump, and she has no regrets about it. In fact, she wants to do it again. It’s no wonder that Trump and MAGA operatives are boosting Jill Stein. 

DNC Senior Advisor Mary Beth Cahill released the following statement: 

“Just like in 2016, Jill Stein can’t win the presidency, but she will help decide who does. Donald Trump knows that she’s his key to the White House — that’s why he praises her spoiler candidacy and why his MAGA allies are working to prop up her campaign. The stakes of this election are too high to allow Stein to spoil it. The DNC will make sure voters know that a vote for anyone other than Kamala Harris is a vote for Donald Trump.” 



Jill Stein – Green Party candidate for President.

So why are Trump’s close allies helping her?

Stein was key to Trump’s 2016 wins in battleground states.

She’s not sorry she helped Trump win.

That’s why a vote for Stein… is really a vote for Trump.

DONALD TRUMP: “Jill Stein. I like her very much, you know why? She takes 100% from them.”

KAMALA HARRIS: I’m Kamala Harris and I approve this message.


In 2016, Jill Stein helped Trump win the election. She won 132,000 votes in the decisive swing states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — while Trump’s margin of victory was just 77,000 votes in those same states. 

On June 22, 2024, Donald Trump held a rally in Philadelphia, PA where he said “Jill Stein, I like her very much. You know why? She takes 100% from them.” 

Stein has no problem with playing the spoiler role and training her fire on Democrats, telling Newsweek, “I will stop Kamala Harris [from] winning the White House.” Her campaign surrogates also admit she has no path to victory and that their top priority is stopping Kamala Harris

Stein has echoed MAGA talking points on issues like January 6 and Trump’s criminal trials. She admitted she is open to pardoning January 6 protesters and thinks January 6 was “blown up for political reasons.” Stein has also indicated that she’d consider pardoning Trump

Reporting from The Wall Street Journal and Salon revealed how the Stein campaign used a Republican consulting firm to help her get on the ballot, and in a recent court case in Nevada, Stein was represented by Trump’s former personal attorney.