DNC: Trump Breaks Promise To Give Vets a Bigger Voice at the VA

Following a Military Times report on Trump’s broken promise to establish a veterans’ hotline, DNC Deputy Press Secretary Brian Gabriel released the following statement:

“Donald Trump is breaking his promise to America’s veterans by failing to establish a 24/7 hotline for veterans that would individually address issues at the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In part of a now-deleted 10-point plan to reform the VA, Trump claimed that even he would pick up the phone himself ‘to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.’ He hasn’t moved a finger.

“Creating a hotline that gives former servicemembers a louder voice is the absolute least the Trump administration can do to square the debt owed to our nation’s protectors. But more than 110 days into his Administration, Trump has shown that he’s more interested in dishing out classified intelligence to the Russians than he is in providing real solutions for our men and women in uniform.”