Tom Perez on CBO Score of Senate GOP Health Care Repeal

Following their initial assessment that 22 million Americans are expected to lose their health coverage, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released more information about the effects of the Senate GOP health care repeal bill today. The latest analysis shows that the bill’s 26 percent cut to Medicaid by 2026 will grow to 35 percent by 2036. DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement:


“Millions of middle class workers, students, older and low-income Americans all depend on Medicaid for affordable care. But now their health is under threat just so Republicans can give the richest Americans another massive tax cut.

“The latest CBO report confirms that this bill will get meaner and uglier over time.  We already knew that 15 million people would be kicked off Medicaid by 2026 because of this bill, but now we know that the spending cuts would grow even deeper in the second decade, causing more unnecessary angst and anguish for the American people. This bill is an affront to our values – not just as Americans but as human beings.”