Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for Iowans to Combat Opioid Crisis

The Cassidy-Graham-Heller repeal plan would have a devastating impact on Iowa’s ability to combat the opioid crisis. In addition to dismantling Medicaid with a $2.3 billion program cut in 2027 alone and the end of the Medicaid expansion, it would allow insurers to drop the ACA’s required coverage for substance abuse treatment. In particular Medicaid, which covers 17 percent of Iowans, has played a critical role in this fight, providing coverage for a third of all Americans who are struggling with opioid addiction.

“The opioid epidemic has devastated communities across Iowa, and the last thing Iowans need is for Republicans to take away their access to health care and critical resources,” said DNC spokesperson Mandy McClure. “While it’s bad enough that Trump has failed to live up to his promise to formally declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency, he is now leading the charge to strip protections and resources from Iowa families who need them most. The Cassidy-Graham-Heller repeal bill is even worse for working Iowans than previous repeal attempts, and Democrats will not sit idly by while Republicans continue their heartless crusade and destroy the lives of millions of Americans.” 


The Cassidy-Graham-Heller repeal plan:

  • Does not include additional funding to combat the opioid epidemic.
  • Makes deep cuts to Medicaid that are even worse than repealing the ACA expansion alone – every state, even those that did not expand Medicaid, will see cuts.
  • Converts Medicaid to a per-capita program, making it more difficult for states to combat public health emergencies like the opioid epidemic.
  • Ends the guarantee of protections for people with preexisting conditions and allows insurance companies to charge people higher premiums based on their health status, hurting people suffering from opioid addiction.
  • Gives states the ability to waive the ACA’s essential health benefits – which guarantee coverage for substance abuse treatment and mental health care.