NJ.com: Jersey native leads anti-Trump forces in ‘the midterm of our lives’

By Jonathan D. Salant


March 19, 2018


WASHINGTON — As Democrats march into battle this fall in an election seen as a referendum on President Donald Trump, a West Orange native will be leading the charge.


Amanda Brown Lierman, a veteran of Barack Obama's first presidential campaign, is the Democratic National Committee's political and organizing director.


“This is like the midterm of our lives, honestly,” Brown Lierman, 32, said in an interview at DNC headquarters in Washington. “We have a president that sits there and has Twitter tantrums all day every day, that is rolling back all of the great progressive advances that Barack Obama made during his tenure.”


She cited Trump's efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which independent studies said could leave as many as 32 million additional Americans without health insurance, and his support for the Republican tax bill that made corporate tax permanent but individual reductions only temporary.


“It's so failing the American people,” she said. “We have to vote on that.”