DNC on Maine Medicaid Expansion Lawsuit

DNC Spokesperson Elizabeth Renda released the following statement on the lawsuit filed by Maine Equal Justice Partners demanding Governor Paul LePage comply with the law and implement Medicaid expansion immediately:


“It’s time for Governor LePage to stop playing political games with Mainers’ lives and start respecting the law of the land in his state. The people of Maine spoke loud and clear when they overwhelmingly voted to expand Medicaid in their state, and they shouldn’t have to sue their own governor to force him to comply with the law. Maine deserves a governor who will make it easier for families to access the health care they need, not harder. This lawsuit is just the latest example of why Mainers must elect a Democratic governor and Democratic state legislators this fall. While all seven Democratic candidates for governor support Medicaid expansion, all four Republican candidates stand in lockstep with LePage and oppose the expansion. The DNC looks forward to continuing to partner with the Maine Democratic Party to support their efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ticket in the state this November.”