Trump And Sessions’ ‘Heartless And Inhumane’ Proposal To Tear Children Away From Their Families

This past week, as Attorney General Sessions announced a commitment to continue tearing children away from their families, we have seen the extreme extent of the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant agenda. See for yourself:


Trump and Sessions announced a commitment to tear children away from their families.


NBC News: “The Trump administration plans to take a tougher approach to some families who enter the U.S. illegally by separating parents from their children, instead of keeping them in detention together.”


The Trump administration has moved to deport 300,000 U.S. residents, ignoring warnings from senior U.S. diplomats about the harm it could cause.


Washington Post: “In the past six months, the Trump administration has moved to expel 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians living and working legally in the United States, disregarding senior U.S. diplomats who warned that mass deportations could destabilize the region and trigger a new surge of illegal immigration.


Trump and Sessions have continued to demonstrate how their hardline, anti-immigrant agenda is both “heartless and inhumane.”


Los Angeles Times Editorial: “When a desperate family fleeing violence in their homeland arrives at the border, what kind of heartless and inhumane nation would separate the parents from the children, prosecute the parents for crossing into the country illegally and send the kids off to a youth detention center? Ours.”


Washington Post Editorial: “Yet Mr. Trump and Mr. Sessions propose a breathtaking innovation: wrenching every small child away, as a matter of policy, from his or her family. They have now matched their demagoguery on immigration with malice.”


Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial: “A legitimate debate can be had about how aggressively the United States should police its border.But it’s hard to see how separating parents and children improves border security. […] The Trump administration’s zeal for border protection knows few boundaries. You would have thought snatching children out of their parents’ arms should have been one of them.”

Associated Press: “Sessions Says He’s ‘Not Shedding Tears’ Over Tennessee Immigration Raid.”