UN Calls On Trump to ‘Halt’ His Unlawful Immigration Policy That Separates Children

The United Nations human rights office has called on the Trump administration to “immediately halt” its “illegal” immigration policy.  Trump has repeatedly lied about his inhumane policy that has separated hundreds of children from their parents.


The UN said that Trump’s policy to separate families at the border is illegal and there’s “nothing normal about detaining children.”


New York Times: “Taking Migrant Children From Parents Is Illegal, U.N. Tells U.S.”


USA Today: “The United Nations human rights office called on the Trump administration Tuesday to ‘immediately halt’ its accelerating policy of separating children from their parents after they cross the U.S. border with Mexico, insisting there's ‘nothing normal about detaining children.’”


Despite Trump’s repeated lies to try to blame Democrats, it is his own inhumane immigration policy that separates children from their parents.


NBC News: “President Donald Trump is falsely claiming that ‘bad legislation passed by the Democrats’ has forced his administration to separate children from their families at the border, even though no such law exists.”


NBC News: “It's a falsehood the president has advanced several times before.”


Now, because of Trump’s policy, hundreds of children who have been separated from their parents are detained at border stations.


NBC News: “Hundreds of migrant kids separated from parents are stuck at border stations.”


NBC News:“Border agents and child welfare workers are running out of space to shelter children who have been separated from their parents at the U.S. border as part of the Trump administration's new ‘zero tolerance’ policy, according to two U.S. officials and a document obtained by NBC News.”