DNC Challenges Trump To Make A Real Pledge To American Workers

“Trump asking companies to sign a pledge to invest in American workers is the definition of hypocrisy. Trump has hired more than a thousand foreign workers to work at his properties and his companies make their merchandise overseas. Actions speak louder than words. Trump must take real action to invest in American workers — who are tired of his phony rhetoric.” – DNC spokesperson Daniel Wessel


Trump’s ‘Council for the American Worker’ is meaningless. Rather than take real action to invest in American workers, Trump is merely setting up another symbolic advisory board.


Washington Examiner: “According to the White House, the advisory board will be comprised of administration officials, state and local officials, and CEOs from a variety of industries to advise the president on how to address the current workforce crisis, provide affordable training, and expand apprenticeships across the United States.”


Trump has not done enough to invest in workers. Workers’ wages have decreased over the past year, and Trump has repeatedly proposed cuts to job training programs.

CBS News: “Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the prior year, according to PayScale. The drop was broad, with 80 percent of industries and two-thirds of metro areas affected.”


Bloomberg: “The White House asked Congress to cut Labor Department funding by 9 percent in fiscal year 2019, the second straight year the administration is targeting job-training programs that receive broad bipartisan support. The proposal to slash the DOL’s budget by $1.1 billion, to $10.9 billion, next year includes a $407 million reduction in spending on Job Corps centers for disadvantaged youth and $400 million in savings from eliminating the Senior Community Service Employment Program.”


Trump does not buy American. Merchandise sold by the Trump Organization or sold through Ivanka’s fashion line is made overseas.


PBS: “In fact, merchandise sold by the Trump Organization or sold through Ivanka Trump's fashion line is all made overseas.”


Trump does not hire American. Instead of hiring American workers, Trump’s companies have a long history of hiring foreign workers, that continues today.  


CNN Money: “In total, records filed at the U.S. Department of Labor and reviewed by CNN reveal that in the last 15 years, Donald Trump's various businesses have been granted approval to import at least 1,256 foreign guest workers.”


Washington Post: “President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club has asked permission to hire 78 foreign workers to serve as cooks, waiters and housekeepers during this winter’s social season in Palm Beach, Fla., according to Labor Department data.”