Cecelia McDermott

Cecelia McDermott

National Director of Development

Cecelia McDermott is a third-year undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She majors in political science and human geography with certificates in public policy and digital studies.

Since getting involved in August of 2016, she’s worked in various capacities on seven campaigns, including managing Max Prestigiacomo for City Council, who became one of the youngest elected officials in the country. In previous years, Cecelia has served as UW-Madison College Democrats Press Secretary and Vice Chair, CDW Southwest Regional Director, and CDA Midwest Regional Director. This year, Cecelia concurrently serves as CDW Chair, WI Students for Biden Chair, and WI College Network Lead at Swing Left. These experiences have motivated Cecelia to engage her peers in electoral engagement, and College Democrats have been a strong support system in this fight. Cecelia is passionate about the youth vote, electoral administration, and anything spreadsheet-related.