Good Troublemakers

This political moment demands that we ask ourselves, our constituents and our congregants: what are the values we stand for and what are we doing to protect them?

We have seen a moral resurgence in resistance to the policies championed by MAGA Republicans. Faith communities have long animated civic life in our country, and in this moment, faith leaders, their congregations and activists have led in organizing for social and racial justice, gender equality, and progressive policy change across our nation.

For many in our party, faith inspires their activism and forms the foundation for their commitment to progressive values – whether it’s helping the sick and the marginalized, the poor and the persecuted, the hungry and the homeless.

The Biden-Harris Administration Is Working For The People

  • Thanks to President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, expanded access to health care: Nearly 5 million Americans have newly gained health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act.
  • Climate Investments: Largest investments ever in the power grid, electric vehicle chargers, and climate resilience.
  • Conducted more than a dozen trainings for hundreds of faith-based and community-based organizations on the expanded Child Tax Credit, and connected congregations and nonprofits around the country with multilingual toolkits and resources to help members of their communities access this tax credit and other American Rescue Plan relief programs.
  • Clean Water: Largest investment and national, bipartisan plan to get safe and clean drinking water to all Americans.
  • Jobs: President Biden’s first year was the greatest year of job creation in American history, with more than 6 million jobs created.
  • Enlisted diverse faith and community leaders as founding members of COVID Community Corps, the group committed to taking action to encourage their families, friends, and members of their communities to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Faith and community partners account for close to a third of all founding Corps members.
  • Helped prevent evictions by increasing awareness of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) among faith and community leaders across the nation, including outreach commitments from more than 250 faith and community partners representing reach to more than 5 million people. Also encouraged more than 850 faith and community leaders to make sure landlords in their communities know how to connect renters to supports available through ERAP and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.