Greenfly Terms
By accessing the Democratic National Committee’s Greenfly Account, you certify the following:
- If you are a candidate or working on a candidate’s campaign for office, you will not use any assets downloaded from the DNC’s Greenfly Account on your campaign’s social media account(s) or in any other campaign communications.
- You are operating on the “coordinated side” of federal campaign finance law. If your organization is involved in or is making “independent expenditures,” “electioneering communications,” or other paid public communications concerning elections or that trigger coordination issues under 11 C.F.R. 109.21(c) (or analogous state campaign finance coordination laws) this cycle, or is otherwise engaged in GOTV or voter registration activities that cannot be coordinated with federal party committees and candidates, you are personally separated from that work by a firewall within your organization that satisfies the requirements of 11 C.F.R. 109.21(h) (or your organization is otherwise structuring its activities later in the cycle so that it can coordinate with candidates and party committees at this time).
- Apart from publicly available posts, you will not share any information you obtain through the DNC’s Greenfly Account with any person or entity on the “independent side” or that is engaged in communications and activities that cannot be coordinated with the DNC.