🚨 NEW: Donald Trump Is STANDING BY Mark Robinson’s Hateful, Extreme Behavior

In response to Donald Trump refusing to condemn Mark Robinson’s hateful rhetoric, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump and JD Vance continue to further isolate themselves as hateful extremists who are so wildly out of touch they are willing to stand behind Mark Robinson even after his own staff have deserted him. Trump and Vance are making it clear to the American people that they have no interest in distancing themselves from Robinson and his toxic brand of MAGA extremism – and voters will remember their silence on Robinson’s disgraceful behavior at the ballot box this November.”

NEW: Donald Trump REFUSED to pull his endorsement of Mark Robinson or condemn his recently exposed hateful, extreme behavior.

Libbey Dean, NewsNation: “Are you going to pull your endorsement of Mark Robinson?”

Trump: “I don’t know the situation.”

“The situation” in question:

CNN: “‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum”

News & Observer: “Half of NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s state staff quits, days after campaign staff exodus”

The Hill: “GOP governors pull support for Mark Robinson”

CNN: “Deleted tweets, canceled events, erased endorsements: How Republicans are fleeing from Mark Robinson”

JD Vance has refused MULTIPLE TIMES to answer for or condemn Robinson.

Lauren Mayk, WCAU: “Some news I wanted to talk about out of North Carolina with Mark Robinson. I’m sure you’ve heard about it. Governor Walz is also in this area, he just mentioned it at a rally this afternoon. I don’t know that you’ve gotten a chance to talk about it, so I wanted to ask you, are you comfortable with Mark Robinson as the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina?”

JD Vance: “Well, look, the allegations are pretty far out there of course, but I know that allegations aren’t necessarily reality, and what I’d say is, it’s ultimately up to Mark Robinson and North Carolina whether he’s going to be their governor and whether he wants to stay in the race. I’ll let them make that decision.” …

Mayk: “Do you believe him that those were not his posts?”

Vance: “I don’t not believe him, I don’t believe him. I just think that you have to let these things sometimes play out in the court of public opinion. He’s going to make whatever arguments he wants to make.”

Reporter: “Senator Vance, do you have any reaction to the Mark Robinson news?”

Vance: *rushes into other room*

Vance: “My comment on Mark Robinson is that Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote on the Inflation Explosion Act and  because of that a lot of Americans can’t afford groceries”

Robinson has a long and shameful history of spewing hate, lies, and conspiracy theories. 

News & Observer: “‘Yeah, I said that.’ Mark Robinson embraced Trump’s false claims on 2020 election”

“[Trump] continues to push false claims about the election, and an audio recording obtained by The News & Observer shows Robinson has embraced those claims. 

“Robinson, who has endorsed Trump, said in a speech at a church in 2021 that Biden ‘stole the election,’ the recording shows.”

Charlotte Observer: “Robinson said he owns AR-15s, a type of semiautomatic assault rifle, so he can fight back ‘in case the government gets too big for its britches.’”

Robinson: “When the chips are down, when the FBI is knocking on my door, will I cower, will I comply, or will I stand up and fight? Folks, it’s time to stand up and fight.”

HuffPost: “Mark Robinson’s Bizarre Ramble: ‘I Absolutely Want To Go Back To The America Where Women Couldn’t Vote’”

Daily Beast: “God Doesn’t Want Women to Lead, Says N.C. Lieutenant Governor”

HuffPost: “The Unbelievably Bonkers Conspiracy Theorist Running For Governor Of North Carolina”

“North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has said it himself: He’s a conspiracy theorist.”

“Robinson, who is the state’s lieutenant governor, has said he ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if the 1969 moon landing was fake and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an ‘inside job.’ He’s ‘SERIOUSLY skeptical’ of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and of the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas. He falsely accused David Hogg, a survivor of the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, of being a paid actor. He’s claimed that climate change is based on ‘junk science.’”

WRAL: “Robinson said this Sunday during a church service outside Charlotte that God created him specifically to fight against the push for LGBTQ rights and visibility, which he says is turning America into a ‘hellhole.’ 

“‘I was not crafted to be Mr. Nicey-Nice,’ Robinson said. ‘… God formed me because he knew there was going to be a time when God’s learning was going to be intolerable to the wicked. When children were going to be dragged down to go see the drag show. When pornography was going to be presented to our children in schools.’ 

“Later on, he also slammed Christian churches that are accepting toward gay and lesbian people. 

“‘Makes me sick every time I see it — a church that flies that Rainbow flag, which is a direct spit in the face of God almighty,’ he said.”

Talking Points Memo: “In particular, the Black community has been a major target for Robinson. In various posts over the years he referred to Black people as ‘muddle headed negroes,’ ‘apes,’ and ‘a monkey.’

“‘February is Black History Month. I guess the shortest month of the year is all we need to learn about the separate but equal history of a people who have achieved so little,’ Robinson wrote in 2014.”

Jewish Insider: “Last fall, Raleigh’s News & Observer unearthed an interview in which Robinson spoke with a fringe pastor, Sean Moon, who claimed that the modern incarnation of the four horsemen of the apocalypse includes China, the CIA, Islam and the Rothschild family of ‘international bankers that rule every single national or federal reserve-type style of central bank in every single country.’ 

“Rather than objecting to the blatantly antisemitic conspiracy theory, Robinson grunted along in agreement. ‘That’s exactly right,’ he said.”

HuffPost: “Top GOP Candidate For N.C. Governor Has A History Of Demeaning Successful Women.”

Robinson is an anti-choice extremist who has said a pregnant woman’s body isn’t hers anymore, railed against exceptions for rape or incest, and thrown his support behind banning abortion before many women even know they’re pregnant. 

WGHP: “[Robinson said] that if he had the authority, abortion would be completely illegal in the state. … ‘If I had all the power right now, say I was the governor and had a willing legislature, we could pass a bill right now that says you can’t get an abortion in North Carolina for any reason. … I’d love to pass a law. I’d love to see a heartbeat bill proposed in our legislature.’”

Cardinal & Pine: “Robinson is on the record calling abortion ‘murder,’ and has asserted that once a woman is pregnant ‘it’s not [her] body anymore.’ 

“When the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade last year, Robinson said in a statement that he was ‘overjoyed’ by the decision and that he had been ‘praying’ for such a thing to happen.”

WNCN: “Robinson: ‘Next goal’ is to restrict abortion at six weeks in NC”

WRAL: “At one point during Friday’s speech, a precursor to the main address former President Donald Trump would give the convention Saturday, the lieutenant governor explained why he rejects all abortion, including in cases of rape and incest. 

“‘What about in cases of rape or incest?’ Robinson said, changing his voice to impersonate an abortion rights advocate. ‘It reminds me of the argument about seatbelts,’ Robinson said.”