🍿 “The Kidney Shot Heard Round the World”: The House GOP Clowns Are Literally Fighting

If you thought the chaotic House GOP clown show was over, think again! House Republicans took a quick break from pushing their extreme MAGA agenda to resort to clown-on-clown violence as a government funding deadline nears and hardworking Americans look to their elected officials for, you know, basic governance.

“What on Earth is going on in the House of Commons?”

Claudia Grisales, NPR: “Have NEVER seen this on Capitol Hill: 

While talking to @RepTimBurchett after the GOP conference meeting, former @SpeakerMcCarthy walked by with his detail and McCarthy shoved Burchett. Burchett lunged towards me. I thought it was a joke, it was not. And a chase ensued

Politico: “’Clean shot to the kidney’: McCarthy accused of elbowing conservative who voted to boot him”

The Hill: “Burchett accuses McCarthy of elbowing him in Capitol hallway”

Axios: “House Republican accuses ‘bully’ McCarthy of elbowing him in back”

Fox News: “McCarthy accused of shoving Republican who helped oust him: ‘Cheap shot from behind’”

Daily Beast: ‘“You’re Pathetic’: Enraged McCarthy Reportedly Shoves GOP Colleague”

Aaron Rupar: “Rep. Tim Burchett claims on CNN that Kevin McCarthy hit him from behind with ‘a clean shot to the kidneys’ and calls him ‘a bully’”

Aaron Rupar: “Burchett says he’s still in pain from McCarthy hitting him and adds: ‘I just don’t expect a guy who was at one time three steps away from the White House to hit you with a sucker punch in the hallway.’”

Melanie Zanona, CNN: “McCarthy told me ‘I didn’t shove or elbow him, it’s a tight hallway.’ Burchett says there ‘was plenty of room’ and doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that he was one of the 8 who voted to oust McCarthy.”

Burchett: “He’s twelve.”

John Avlon, CNN: “It’s so pathetic and petty and ridiculous. People sometimes compare Congress to high school, this isn’t high school. It’s junior high. There are elementary school students who are better behaved than this.”