🚨NEW: RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Reaffirmed He Can NEVER Be Trusted to Protect Reproductive Freedom

In response to RFK Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan saying abortion policy should be left up to the states, DNC Communications Adviser Lis Smith released the following statement:

“In a new interview, Nicole Shanahan proves that RFK Jr. cannot be trusted to stand up for reproductive freedom. RFK Jr. has said that he would sign a national abortion ban and repeatedly dismissed the importance of abortion as an issue. Now Shanahan is embracing kicking abortion to the states – an endorsement of extreme and nightmarish laws that have denied women lifesaving treatment in emergency rooms and punished them for needing reproductive care. Once again, the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is showing that, like Donald Trump, they won’t stand up for America’s women.”

NEW: When it comes to women’s reproductive freedom, Shanahan believes in “kicking it down to the states” — despite the slew of extreme state abortion bans in place across the country. 

Interviewer: “Yeah, so I guess a final question on abortion. Do you believe that it should be left up to the state, like a statewide issue?”

Shanahan: “You know, that’s really interesting because kicking it down to the states does give it closer access to the communities. And my understanding is that, and this this is what the medical freedom community believes as well, is that the communities know the answers to this question, right? The communities know how to self-organize. Having the federal government dictate anything is always going to be problematic, is always going to feel very totalitarian, especially as it relates to something as personal as our bodies. So it’s not the worst idea to kick it down to the state or even a local level. And, you know, historically states have had legislation, state-level of legislation about abortion, on issues of abortion. And so historically, there’s precedent for it. So, you know, either way, I think that the trend towards, you know, states making these decisions is good. The thing that makes me worried in those instances is it becoming again over-politicized for election reasons.”

“Kicking it down to the states” has led to dangerous abortion bans from Alabama to North Dakota, putting women’s lives at risk and ripping away access to care.

Alabama: “Abortions became almost entirely illegal in Alabama on June 24. A 2019 state abortion ban took effect making it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, with no exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.”

Arizona: “Arizona Supreme Court rules a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable”

Arkansas: “Arkansas bans nearly all abortions after Roe v. Wade overturned”

Florida: “Florida’s new restrictions will chip away at the little abortion access left in the South”

Kentucky: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.”

Louisiana: “Louisiana abortion ban preserved after lawmakers kill bill to call public vote”

Missouri: “Republicans block attempt to add rape, incest exemptions to Missouri’s abortion ban”

North Carolina: “North Carolina’s abortion law may make traveling to end a pregnancy impossible for some in the South”

North Dakota: “North Dakota court keeps strict abortion ban in place even in cases of medical emergencies”

Oklahoma: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.” 

South Carolina: “South Carolina’s new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban”

South Dakota: “Abortions now illegal in South Dakota following Supreme Court’s ruling”

Tennessee: “Amid uncertainty and anger, Tennessee’s abortion ban takes effect”

Texas: “Texas passes law banning abortion after six weeks”

Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Republicans approve bill banning abortions after 14 weeks of pregnancy”

State abortion bans are dangerous, extreme, and wildly unpopular with the American people. 

The 19th News: “Abortion bans are unpopular. Republicans are passing them anyway”

“With abortion bans becoming increasingly unpopular, Republican-led statehouses are walking a delicate line: Trying to advance bills that would restrict access to the procedure without drawing attention, circumventing normal processes to cram new policies through as legislative sessions come to a close.”

Let’s not forget RFK Jr. has said he would sign a national abortion ban if elected, and has constantly tried to hide from his abortion extremism. 

NBC News: “RFK Jr. says he’d sign a federal ban on abortions after three months of pregnancy”

Politico: “Speaking to NBC from the Iowa State Fair, Kennedy said, ‘I believe a decision to abort a child should be up to the women during the first three months of life,’ but added: ‘Once a child is viable, outside the womb, I think then the state has an interest in protecting the child.’ He said he would sign a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks or 21 weeks of pregnancy if he were elected president.”

Washington Post: “RFK Jr. rarely mentions abortion — and sends mixed signals when he does”

“Kennedy has avoided taking a concrete stance on the nation’s patchwork of abortion bans and U.S. House Republicans’ efforts to pass federal restrictions, calling abortion a ‘culture war issue’ used to divide people.

“Kennedy mentioned abortion just twice in the 11 speeches and campaign events that appear on his YouTube page. He mentioned the word ‘vaccine’ 10 times. On X, he has mentioned the word ‘abortion’ five times since the start of last year. He posted the word ‘vaccine’ 64 times in the same period.”

“After The Post inquired about Kennedy’s abortion position, the campaign added an abortion policy page to its website, proposing ‘a massive subsidized daycare initiative’ paid for by funds Kennedy would reroute from Ukraine war aid. The page doesn’t provide any more information about how Kennedy would respond to abortion bans in states.”