2022 Republican Platform Uncovered: Do Absolutely Nothing

For those wondering why Chris Sununu said no to the NRSC and Mitch McConnell who begged him to run for Senate, he answered that question for us today.

The New Hampshire governor absolutely torched Senate Republicans for their lack of vision, failure to deliver for Americans last time they had power, and more.

Washington Examiner: Chris Sununu explains going from ‘pretty close’ to no on New Hampshire Senate bid

  • “Everything changed after the governor consulted with Republican senators about the aspects of serving on Capitol Hill and what to expect for at least the first two years on the job. Sununu did not like what he heard.”
  • “The governor said the message from virtually every GOP senator he chatted with — and he chatted with most of them — was that they plan to do little more with the majority they are fighting to win this November than obstruct President Joe Biden until, ‘hopefully,’ 2024 ushers a Republican into the White House. ‘It bothered me that they were OK with that,’ Sununu said.”
  • “‘It’s problematic for Republicans when any Republican harps on what might have happened in 2020 or harps on what could be in 2024. If you focus on 2020 or you focus on ’24, you’re going to miss ’22,’ Sununu said. ‘You’re not earning a single new independent voter or new voter at all by talking about the elections of 2020. And right now, you can’t govern if you don’t win.’”
  • “More than that, Sununu was ‘bothered’ by Republicans’ seeming inability to answer this question: ‘I said, ‘OK, so if we’re going to get stuff done if we win the White House back, why didn’t you do it in 2017 and 2018?’ How did the Republicans Sununu spoke with answer his challenge? ‘Crickets. Yeah, crickets,’ the governor said. ‘They had no answer.’”
