4 Ways Wheeler Would Be A Disaster As EPA Administrator

Today Trump officially nominated Andrew Wheeler as his next EPA administrator. Here are a few of the many reasons why he would be a disaster as head of the EPA:

  1. Wheeler once served as the right-hand man to Washington’s most prominent climate denier.


New York Times: “Mr. Wheeler has worked in Washington for more than 20 years. He is a former chief of staff to Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, the conservative Republican who has become known as Washington’s most prominent denialist of the established science of human-caused climate change.”


  1. Wheeler is a former lobbyist who built his career around regulatory rollbacks that benefit the fossil fuel industry.


New York Times: “His career was built around quietly and incrementally advancing the interests of the fossil-fuel industry, chiefly by weakening or delaying federal regulations. Mr. Wheeler has worked in Washington for more than 20 years.”

  1. Even after joining the EPA, Wheeler continued to meet with clients he previously lobbied for.


Washington Post: “Since joining the EPA on April 20, Wheeler has met with multiple organizations and businesses that retained him in his capacity as a principal at Faegre Baker Daniels. The list includes biodiesel producer Darling Ingredients; agriculture giant Archer Daniels Midland and the South Coast Air Quality Management District, all of which ended their financial relationship with Wheeler’s firm before April 2016.”


  1. Wheeler’s EPA has already pushed proposals to benefit the coal industry at the expense of the climate and public health.


New York Times: “E.P.A. Will Ease Path To New Coal Plants.”


New York Times: “New E.P.A. Plan Could Free Coal Plants To Release More Mercury Into The Air.”