40 Million Out Of Work, 100,000 Dead, Yet Trump Remains Silent

More than 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the last 10 weeks and more than 100,000 are dead—and Trump is ready to move on from this crisis. Why? He wants to ignore these dire numbers because he knows that he is to blame. Trump ignored warnings, delayed taking action, and downplayed the virus, making this crisis worse than it needed to be.

As more than 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment, the Trump administration is refusing to release economic projections to try to avoid admitting to the dire economic situation Trump contributed to.

New York Times: “Another 2.1 million unemployment claims were filed last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday, pushing the total past 40 million — the equivalent of one out of every four American workers — since the coronavirus pandemic grabbed hold in mid-March.”

Washington Post: “White House officials have decided not to release updated economic projections this summer, opting against publishing forecasts that would almost certainly codify an administration assessment that the coronavirus pandemic has led to a severe economic downturn, according to three people with knowledge of the decision.”

Trump ignored the grim milestone of the U.S. hitting 100,000 deaths yesterday, and instead continued to downplay the need for masks.

MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin: “The reported U.S. death toll from the coronavirus hit 100,000 on Wednesday. Trump officially made no comment about it.”

Washington Post: “As the nation reached a bleak milestone this week — 100,000 Americans dead from the novel coronavirus — Trump has been uncharacteristically silent. His public schedule this week contains no special commemoration, no moment of silence, no collective sharing of grief.”

CNN: “President Trump tweeted that there are ‘So many different viewpoints!’ on masks, retweeting an article making the spurious claim that masks are more about social control than public health.”

Trump delayed taking action and made this crisis worse than it needed to be. We have more deaths today and the impact on the economy is significantly worse because of Trump’s failed response.

USA Today Editorial: “Trump wouldn’t urge Americans to begin social distancing until mid-March. By then, the coronavirus had spread so widely that the nation had to go into lockdown, and the economy into free fall, to prevent the toll from soaring toward 1 million and beyond. A Columbia University study showed that if social distancing had been imposed just one week earlier, 36,000 American lives might have been saved.”