Ahead of Republicans’ Chaotic Convention, DNC Launches Spanish-Language Digital Homepage Takeover in Prensa Arizona to Call Out Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response
August 24, 2020
Later Today, AZ Dems to Hold Press Call with Arizonans Hurt by Trump’s Failed Leadership, Including DNCC Speaker Kristin Urquiza
Ahead 0f the Republican National Convention this week, the Democratic National Committee is launching a Spanish-language digital homepage takeover on Prensa Arizona’s website to call out Donald Trump’s disastrous coronavirus response, which has put hundreds of thousands of Arizonans out of work and taken 4,700 lives across the state.
Prensa is a Spanish-language print and digital outlet based in Phoenix that reaches Latinx voters in Arizona. Across the state, Latinx communities have been bearing the brunt of Trump’s failed pandemic response. In Maricopa County alone, Latinos are more than twice as likely to become infected by the coronavirus as non-Latino residents.
Later today, the Arizona Democratic Party will also host a press conference call with Arizonans whose families have been hurt by Trump’s failed leadership, including Kristin Urquiza, a young woman who shared her story of losing her father to COVID-19 at the Democratic National Convention last week. The advertising campaign and press event are part of a larger slate of Democratic counter convention programming during the Republican National Convention to remind voters that Trump has really only delivered on one thing — a Chaos Presidency.
“Nothing Republicans say at their convention can distract from the truth about Trump: His chaotic presidency has cost Arizonans their lives and their livelihoods,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “Missing from this week’s Republican events are the voices of hundreds of thousands of Arizonans who have lost their jobs, small business owners that Trump’s corrupt recovery left behind, and people with preexisting conditions who are scared Trump will strip away their health care protections right when they need it the most. The only good that will come of the GOP convention is that it will shine a spotlight on Trump’s failed record and ensure voters can hold him accountable come November.”
Today’s digital homepage takeover comes on the heels of the DNC’s previous bilingual ad campaign in La Estrella and the Arizona Daily Star earlier this month. The digital ads will appear on Prensa Arizona’s home page — including multiple banners ads — and will run for 24 hours during the first day of the Republican National Convention. See images of the ads below: