Another Political Stunt Flops for Serial Liars Kevin McCarthy and James Comer

After another overhyped witness debunked Republicans’ allegations, DNC spokesperson Ammar Moussa released the following statement:

“With their relentless and shameless commitment to spreading lies about President Biden even in the face of evidence disproving their claims, Kevin and Comer are once again proving just how deeply unserious the House GOP is. Kevin and Comer have lost all credibility, and it is well past time for the mainstream press to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt as serious figures and instead scrutinize them for spreading demonstrably false lies as they waste taxpayer dollars and money on political stunts instead of focusing on the real issues facing hardworking families.”

Devon Archer’s testimony was a total dud – only the latest in a long list of Comer’s time-wasting, pointless political attacks at Trump’s bidding. 

Daily Beast: “During a closed-door interview with the House Oversight Committee Monday, Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer reportedly provided no evidence that directly connected Joe Biden to his son’s business dealings. Archer’s much-anticipated testimony came as House Republicans ramp up efforts to impeach President Biden by tying him to Hunter’s history of addiction and international business dealings—but even by their own admission, Archer’s interview on Monday didn’t seem to provide the smoking gun they were looking for.”

Archer’s testimony is only the latest example of James Comer crying wolf – every promise of “groundbreaking evidence” for Comer’s baseless conspiracies leads to him making a fool of himself. 

Washington Post: “The problem for Comer is that he has spent months crying wolf on these same issues. … The challenge for Republicans is that at least one of the legislators driving their investigations into Biden has repeatedly tripped over his allegations or offered claims that he couldn’t substantiate. The problem is that James Comer has repeatedly shown that James Comer should be taken with a grain of salt.”

Mediaite: “Smith pressed again and asked if Comer is standing by his allegations of ‘witness intimidation.’  ‘It depends on your definition of intimidation. If you get a call from the lawyers and they remind you of your potential liability in some of these business schemes, then yes, I would consider that witness intimidation,’ Comer replied.  Smith cut in and pressed further, ‘Why for somebody who has seen this for years, seen these investigations playing out? Why wouldn’t you show the goods from that? Why wouldn’t you just why wouldn’t you get protection for those witnesses, get protection from those whistleblowers? Can Congress do that so that you can come forward with this evidence?’  ‘No, but we’re going to ask for immunity for some moving forward. I think that’s going to be the next big deal that we take,’ Comer replied.”

Mediaite: “The congressman claimed he can find no actual ‘business’ that would be behind the wire.  ‘It’s been five years and what do we have for it? Five years is a long time to be investigating,’ Hemmer noted before switching gears and asking Comer about Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) accusing the Republican of doing ‘political opposition research’ for Donald Trump.”

Take it from Comer himself: His baseless attacks on President Biden are merely stunts for Donald Trump’s political gain. 

Huffington Post: “GOP Rep. James Comer Implies Biden Family Probe Is Really About Helping Trump In 2024”

Huffington Post: “Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) on Monday inadvertently implied that House Republicans’ high-profile investigation into President Joe Biden’s family members and their finances is actually about helping Donald Trump win the presidency in 2024. Comer, who is leading the GOP’s probe as chair of the House oversight and accountability committee, appeared to say the quiet part out loud during a ‘Fox & Friends First’ interview.”

Fox News: “So do you think that because of your investigation, that is what’s moved this needle with the media?”

Comer: “Absolutely. There’s no question. You look at the polling, and right now Donald Trump is seven points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward, Joe Biden’s trending downward.”

Washington Post: “Comer also clearly alluded to the political gain from his probe, connecting it to people keeping up with the investigation and that being reflected in the polls. … Comer has repeatedly connected his investigations to Biden’s deliberations about running for president, suggesting it might affect Biden’s calculus.”

Behind the scenes, Trump urged McCarthy to exact political revenge for his two impeachments and promise an impeachment inquiry based on unsubstantiated reports about Archer’s testimony – which McCarthy shamelessly did and FUNDRAISED on it, too.

CNN: “McCarthy makes most direct impeachment threat against Biden to date”

Washington Post: “House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Monday night that unsubstantiated investigations launched by Republican lawmakers into the business dealings of President Biden’s family members are ‘rising to the level of impeachment inquiry.’  McCarthy’s comments to host Sean Hannity on Fox News mark the furthest he has gone in suggesting that House Republicans might seek to impeach Biden, which some far-right members in his narrow majority have advocated.”

Associated Press: “It’s a political escalation, urged on by Trump, after his own two impeachments. … Now, as the Republican party’s frontrunner for the nomination to take on Biden in 2024, Trump has long seethed over his impeachments at the hands of House Democrats. McCarthy has suggested the Trump impeachments could be expunged, as proposed by Stefanik and Greene. But Trump wants Biden to face similar impeachment charges.”

Sahil Kapur, NBC News: “Speaker McCarthy floats an ‘impeachment inquiry’ into President Biden in a text message to supporters, mentioning unproven allegations and adding a link to give money to his political operation.”