Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programing: 2024 Republicans Push For a National Abortion Ban 

After spending last week fighting over whether slavery had benefits, the messy 2024 Republican primary drags on this week as presidential hopefuls go back to what they know best: ripping away women’s freedom to make their own heath care decisions nationwide. 

A national abortion ban is still the definitive litmus test of the 2024, Republican primary and Scott and Pence are bending over backward to support anti-abortion extremists and double down on their extreme national abortion ban.

Scott: “Republicans should not be retreating on life. We need a national 15-week limit to stop blue states from pushing abortion on demand. @sbaprolife defends the most fundamental right: life. Without life, nothing else matters. It’s not a special interest. It’s the only interest.”

Pence: When I am President, #ProLife Americans will have a champion in the White House! In the Dobbs decision, the question of abortion was returned to the states AND the American people. I will always champion protections for the unborn in states across the Country and in our Nation’s Capital! 🇺🇸

2024 presidential hopefuls are tripping over each other to push a national ban. 

USA Today: “‘A vital role:’ Donald Trump endorses the idea of national abortion restrictions” 

Tucker Carlson: “You signed a ban on abortion after six weeks in Florida. Would you do the same as president, nationally?”

DeSantis: “Well, I’m very proud to say Kim Reynolds is here and she signed a great heartbeat bill today. We were able to do that in Florida. We had a lot of opposition to that. I’m proud to have been a pro-life governor and I will be a pro life-president, so of course I want to sign pro-life legislation.”

Wolf Blitzer: “Would you support a six-week ban nationwide?”

Pence: “Well, of course. Look — I’m pro-life. I don’t apologize for it. I believe that we’ve got to do everything in our power to restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law. And I’d support federal legislation in that regard if I was in the Congress or had any other job here in town.”

Newsmax: “Your colleague in the Senate — also your colleague from South Carolina — Lindsey Graham is pushing for a 15-week federal abortion ban, something that’s going to be an issue come the next election. Would a President Scott sign that bill into law?”

Scott: “Every day, I would sign that bill into law. I would sign the most conservative pro-life legislation you can bring to my desk.”

Meg Kinnard, Associated Press: “‘Yes of course I would sign’ federal ban, Haley says.”

USA Today: “Presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he would sign into law a 15-week national abortion ban if he were president, a departure from his previous stance when he said the issue should be left up to individual states.”

Wall Street Journal: “[Suarez] said he would support a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of mother.”

Hurd: “If a 15-week abortion ban came to my desk, I would sign it.”

Collins: “What about a federal ban? Are you for that?”

Youngkin: “I think that where common sense brings us together is around a 15-week bill that protects life.”