Because of Donald Trump, Women and Doctors in Texas Still Suffer Under An Extreme Abortion Ban 

In response to the Texas Medical Board’s new guidance on the state’s extreme abortion ban, DNC Spokesperson Maddy Mundy issued the following statement: 

“The Texas Medical Board’s guidance on the state’s extreme abortion ban still leaves doctors in a perilous position for simply doing their jobs. Because of Donald Trump, health providers in Texas and across the country now second guess and delay providing health-saving care to pregnant women for fear of MAGA extremists’ retribution. Thanks to Donald Trump, extreme politicians have firmly placed themselves between women and their doctors in states with abortion bans. If Trump wins in November, he wants to impose this harrowing reality on all of us through a national abortion ban. As we mark the second anniversary of the fall of Roe, the Texas Medical Board’s guidance and Texas’ extreme, Trump-enabled abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest is all the more reason why we need reproductive champions like President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the White House. To protect reproductive freedoms, voters must reject Donald Trump’s extreme anti-freedom agenda this November.”