Biden Leads Fight Against COVID After Trump’s Failed Response Led Us To Grim Milestone Of 500,000 Deaths

After Trump’s failed response led the U.S. to having the worst coronavirus outbreak in the world and on the verge of passing the grim milestone of 500,000 deaths, President Biden has shown true leadership, rolled out a successful vaccination program, and his American Rescue Plan has strong, bipartisan support nationwide.

Trump’s failed response led the U.S. to having among the world’s worst outbreaks and on the verge of hitting the grim milestone of 500,000 deaths.

ABC’s Rick Klein: “On the verge of 500K US deaths – ‘We’ve done worse than most any other country,” Dr. Fauci tells @GStephanopoulos, citing the ‘disparate responses of different states versus the unified approach.’”

Associated Press: “The U.S. virus death toll reached 400,000 on Jan. 19 in the waning hours in office for President Donald Trump, whose handling of the crisis was judged by public health experts to be a singular failure.”

In contrast, President Biden has shown leadership and implemented a coordinated whole-of-government response to contain the pandemic’s spread.

Wall Street Journal: “In his first month in office, President Biden has positioned the federal government squarely at the front of the battle against Covid-19, tapping the military to staff mass-vaccination centers, joining with state and local officials to accelerate the pace of vaccinations, and requiring masks on buses, planes and federal property.”

President Biden has led the U.S. to having among the best vaccine rollouts in the world and on a glide path to surpass his vaccine goal despite Trump’s early failures.

Axios: “America’s vaccine rollout has been among the best in the world”

Associated Press: “It sounded so ambitious at first blush: 100 million vaccination shots in 100 days. Now, one month into his presidency, Joe Biden is on a glide path to attain that goal and pitching well beyond it to the far more ambitious and daunting mission of vaccinating all eligible adults against the coronavirus by the end of the summer.”

President Biden’s American Rescue Plan has strong, bipartisan support among Americans, yet Republicans are still trying to block Americans from getting relief.

New York Times: “Republicans are struggling to persuade voters to oppose President Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic rescue plan, which enjoys strong, bipartisan support nationwide even as it is moving through Congress with just Democratic backing.”