BREAKING: Republicans Want to Raise Prescription Drug Prices

Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Cynthia Lummis, and James Lankford just introduced a bill that could increase prescription drug prices for millions of Americans. These Republicans joined their House colleagues to undo historic legislation and side with Big Pharma and special interests over the American people.

These senators are trying to undo President Biden and Democrats’ work lowering prescription drug prices.

Republicans’ Commitment to America also includes a section indicating they wouldincrease prescription drug prices by repealing Democrats’ legislation to negotiate lower drug costs. 

Rep. Kevin Brady said undoing prescription drug measures is “a top priority for Republicans in the new session.”

Axios: “Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, indicated repealing the drug pricing law is a likely agenda item. ‘Because those drug provisions are so dangerous, by discouraging investment in life-saving cures, I would imagine that will be a top priority for Republicans in the new session,’ he said.”

Rep. Buddy Carter said he was pushing his colleagues to repeal drug pricing provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, which would increase prescription drug prices.

Rep. Carter“With the prescription drug pricing, that’s something I’m very interested in as a pharmacist. And I’ve been asking my colleagues ‘how are we going to undo that when we get into the majority?’”

The choice is clear this November. While Democrats are focused on lowering costs for Americans, Republicans are siding Big Pharma. If Republicans gain control, not only have they said they would take action to increase prescription drug prices, but they want to ban abortion in every state, gut Social Security and Medicare, and more. The American people cannot afford their extreme agenda.