BY THE NUMBERS: Trump’s Corrupt Recovery Favors Wealthy And Well-Connected
May 20, 2020
Small businesses are struggling now more than ever, and Trump has only made things worse with his corrupt recovery effort. Here’s how Trump favors the wealthy and well-connected over small businesses that need the most help, by the numbers:
More than $1 billion — Nearly 300 publicly traded companies took more than $1 billion meant for small business through the PPP program.
$104 million — 41 publicly traded companies with at least two months of operating expenses in cash-on-hand got $104 million in PPP loans.
$96.1 million — One Trump donor’s hotel company—the biggest recipient—got $96.1 million meant for small businesses.
$28 million — The amount fossil fuel firms linked to Trump officials got in PPP loans.
$18.3 million — The amount three companies with connections to the Trump administration received under the program.
$5.5 million — The amount of the loan that another company with close ties to the Trump administration received.
$2.85 million — The amount of the loan a data firm for Trump’s campaign got—nearly 14 times the PPP loan average.
$800,000 — The amount a company whose largest shareholder is Trump’s campaign manager received in a PPP loan.
7 percent — Nearly a month into the PPP program, only 7 percent of small businesses said they had received funds.