Comer Does Trump’s Political Bidding Ahead of CNN Town Hall
May 10, 2023

On the morning of Donald Trump’s town hall on CNN, James Comer and MAGA House Republicans staged their latest political stunt on behalf of Trump’s campaign — and it was nothing short of a spectacular failure.
“Judgment day,” as Comer declared it, turned out to be nothing more than a shoddy rerun of the same debunked conspiracy theories from 2020 — which is no surprise since Trump world seems to be running Comer’s show from behind the scenes.
Politico: “Comer releases Biden family probe update without showing link to president”
CNN: “The latest report does not show any payments made directly to Joe Biden, either as vice president or after leaving office.”
CNN: “Donald Trump continues to wield enormous power on Capitol Hill as House Republicans seek to curry favor with the former president, pursuing his fixations through their investigations and routinely updating him and his closest advisers on their progress.
“A number of top House GOP lawmakers have disclosed in recent days their efforts to keep the former president informed on the pace and substance of their investigations. Lines of communication appear to go both ways. Not only are Trump, his aides and close allies regularly apprised of Republicans’ committee work, they also at times exert influence over it, multiple people familiar with the talks tell CNN.
“The constant, and sometimes direct, communication between Trump and the committees has emerged as a crucial method for Trump to shape Republicans’ priorities in their newly-won House majority. It also underscores the extraordinary sway an ex-president still holds over his party’s lawmakers and the deference many still afford him.”
Even REPUBLICANS agree the House MAGA majority’s witch hunts are flopping.
Punchbowl: “‘There’s a big difference between oversight where you have expertise and oversight to churn out press releases,’ a House GOP aide said of Comer. ‘Everyone thought he’d learn from prior chairmen and work in a more coordinated way. It’s been quite the opposite.’”
Washington Post: GOP unhappy with Jordan’s weaponization committee
Washington Post: “‘There is a feeling right now that this will simply be a Fox News clip generator — this really needs to be a comprehensive, well-resourced examination of the security state,’ said a person familiar with the committee’s operations who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly. ‘It can’t be a way for members to get three- to five-minute hits on the Sean Hannity show. If they want this to be real, it has to be done right.’”