Trump lied when he denied asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation.


QUESTION: “Thank you, Mr. President. In the light of a very busy news week, a lot of people would like to get to the bottom of a couple of things, give you a chance to go on record here. Did you at any time urge former FBI Director James Comey in any way, shape, or form to close or to back down the investigation into Michael Flynn? And also as you look back—” T


TRUMP: “No. No. Next question.”


Trump lied when he denied that Trump had asked Comey to pledge his loyalty to Trump.


PIRRO: “Did you ask that question?”


TRUMP: “No. No, I didn‘t, but I don‘t think it would be a bad question to ask. I think loyalty to the country, loyalty to the United States is important. I don‘t know how that got there because I didn‘t ask that question.”


Trump lied when he claimed that Comey had asked to have dinner with him because he wanted to keep his job.


TRUMP: “I had a dinner with him. He wanted to have dinner because he wanted to stay on. We had a very nice dinner at the White House…”


HOLT: “He—he asked…”


TRUMP: “…very early on. That dinner was arranged. I think he asked for the dinner. And he wanted to stay on as the FBI head. And I said I’ll, you know, consider. We’ll see what happens. But we had a very nice dinner.”


Trump lied when he claimed that Comey called him once to inform him that he was not under investigation.


TRUMP: “Then, during a phone call, he said it. And then, during another phone call he said it. So, he said it once at dinner and then he said it twice during phone calls.”


HOLT: “Did—did you call him?”


TRUMP: “In one case I called him and one case he called me.”


HOLT: “And did you ask am I under investigation?”


TRUMP: “I actually asked him, yes. I said if it’s possible, would you let me know am I under investigation. He said you are not under investigation.”


Sean Spicer lied when he denied that Trump had asked Comey to pledge his loyalty to Trump.


QUESTION: “Sean, in the dinner that the president had with James Comey earlier in—in January, did the president implore him to pledge his loyalty to the president? Is that true?”




QUESTION: “Did that happen? That did not happen.”




Sarah Sanders lied when she denied that Trump had asked Comey to pledge his loyalty to Trump


‘We don’t believe this to be an accurate account…The integrity of our law enforcement agencies and their leadership is of the utmost importance to President Trump. He would never even suggest the expectation of personal loyalty, only loyalty to our country and its great people.’”