DNC Battleground Brief

This is the DNC’s Battleground Brief — a weekly wrap-up of Trump’s broken promises and everything you need to know across the path to 270. 

“IT DIDN’T HAVE TO BE THIS BAD”: WHILE TRUMP CANCELS RALLY, PORTSMOUTH STATE SENATOR — WHO CONTRACTED COVID — SLAMS FAILED PANDEMIC RESPONSE. Rally or no rally, New Hampshire Democrats are calling out Donald Trump’s incompetence and highlighting the devastating consequences of his failures. For state Senator Martha Fuller Clark of Portsmouth, it’s personal:




  • “Granite Staters don’t need another photo op, and we certainly don’t need yet another threat to our health. We need tests, we need equipment, and we need a president capable of living up to this unprecedented moment.”



  • “My husband and I have seen the reality of this pandemic up close. We’ve felt the anxiety of a positive test result and the exhaustion of high fevers, continuing fatigue, loss of appetite and punishing coughing spells over seven weeks. This virus is no small threat, and it demands every ounce of our leaders’ time and energy.”



  • “It didn’t have to be this bad. If Trump had been willing and able to do his job, lives could have been saved and livelihoods could have been spared.”


AS BIDEN ROLLS OUT JOBS PLAN, BATTLEGROUND DEMOCRATS BLAST TRUMP’S FAILED ECONOMIC RECORD. The economy is still cratering, and millions are still out of work. As Vice President Biden announced his plan to Build Back Better, battleground Democrats slammed Trump for overseeing an economic meltdown that has devastated working families across the country.

In Arizona: 

Arizona Republic: “Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump’s record with farmers, saying the president has not followed through on his promises to support the agricultural industry […] ‘Farmers and producers are a vital part of the Arizona economy and they have been trampled on by this administration,’ Matt Grodsky, an Arizona Democratic Party spokesman, said in a written statement.”

Prensa Arizona: Hispanos en el abandono. “En el estado de Arizona Ríos indicó que la población latina se ha visto afectada en el aspecto económico desde el mes de marzo con recortes en sus salarios, perdidas de trabajo y para muchos de ellos laborar desde casa, es prácticamente imposible, para ellos es un lujo.”

In Maine:

ME Dems: New Report Shows Impact of Trump’s Slow, Ineffective Pandemic Response on Maine’s Economy. “‘Trump’s slow, ineffective pandemic response is directly responsible for catastrophic job losses here in Maine and across the country,’ said Kathleen Marra, Chair of the Maine Democratic Party. ‘A president with empathy and experience would be working around the clock to control the virus and help Americans get back to work. Instead, Trump continues to downplay the virus, making the economic crisis worse than it needs to be.’”

In Michigan 

MI Dems:“‘Donald Trump’s callous disregard for Michigan workers is causing economic chaos and threatening another spike in COVID-19,’ said Michigan Democratic Party spokesman Christian Slater. ‘This president failed in his response to a global pandemic and Michigan’s working families are paying a devastating price as they face unemployment, evictions, and a deadly disease.’”

In North Carolina:

Cardinal & Pine: Rep. Alma Adams: Trump Is Taking A ‘No Lives Matter’ Approach To Coronavirus. “Adams, a Charlotte Democrat, was one of several Democratic lawmakers who lashed out at Trump in a call with reporters, questioning his administration’s strategy to containing the deadly virus, which, as of Wednesday, had killed 1,441 in NC and 131,594 in the US.”

In Georgia: 

WSAV-TV: “Thursday morning, several Democratic lawmakers held a phone media conference to talk about the pandemic and its effects in Georgia. They blasted President Donald Trump and Gov. Brian Kemp for what they termed a slow response to the pandemic, which they said has made the economic fallout worse.”

In Texas: 

Dallas Observer: Majority of Texans Think Coronavirus Response Is Going Badly, Poll Shows. “In a statement, Manny Garcia, executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, said the poll results show that Texans are blaming President Donald Trump and Gov. Greg Abbott for mismanaging the crisis. ‘It didn’t have to be this way. It never had to be this way […] Competent leadership that listens to doctors and experts would have led Texas out of the worst of this mess, instead we were put in danger by President Trump and Governor Abbott’s insecurities and ineptitude.’” 

In Virginia:

Blue Virginia: Virginia Democrats Call Out Trump’s Failed Pandemic Response, Highlight Impacts of Cratering Economy. “Delegate Lashrecse Aird, representing Virginia’s 63rd District: ‘…In a time when Virginians are in desperate need of clear, decisive, and bold leaders, we are instead saddled with incompetency, self service, and divisiveness from this White House.’”

HOLDING TRUMP ACCOUNTABLE. Wherever Trump and his cronies go, Democrats will be there to call out his failed record. See for yourself:

In Florida:

FL Dems: “Another Photo Op”: Ahead of Trump Visit, Cuban and Venezuelan Leaders Slam Trump’s Erratic Behavior, Broken Promises to their Community. “Leopoldo Martinez Nucete – Venezuelan American, DNC Member and Latino Victory board member: ‘…Look beyond what [he] says — and assess and evaluate what he has done. He has done nothing to resolve this pandemic. Pretty much like he has done nothing — just talk — about Venezuela. He doesn’t care about Venezuelans.’”

In Pennsylvania:

Lancaster Online: Vice President Mike Pence to visit Lancaster this morning, Democrats launch targeted ad. “‘Nothing Vice President Pence says today can change how Trump’s failed response has cost Pennsylvanians their lives and jobs, and these ads will ensure voters know the facts about his incompetence in this time of crisis,’ DNC Spokesperson Maddie McComb said in a press release.”

  • PoliticsPA: “‘Mike Pence is coming back to Pennsylvania to spin Trump’s failed record, but Pennsylvanians know the truth: Donald Trump has broken his promises to our communities and left us behind,’ said Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesman Andres Anzola. ‘Trump’s chaotic, erratic COVID-19 response has cost over 6,700 Pennsylvanians their lives and millions more their jobs.’”

In Arizona:

Arizona Republic: “Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump’s record with farmers, saying the president has not followed through on his promises to support the agricultural industry […] ‘Perdue’s visit to Phoenix today won’t undo the damage done by Trump’s record of broken promises — from getting rolled by China in a trade war that threatened farmers’ livelihoods to cutting off SNAP benefits for thousands of Arizonans.’” 

In Wisconsin:

Kenosha State Journal: Republican, Democratic state conventions display differing attitudes toward COVID-19. “‘The Wisconsin Republican Party is clearly taking their cues from President Trump as they hold their convention in person and ignore the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed over 130,000 American lives,’ said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman Philip Shulman.”

In South Dakota:

Reuters: “‘Instead of living up to the most basic responsibilities of his office this Independence Day, Donald Trump is still downplaying the virus, calling for a slowdown of testing, bucking social distancing guidelines, and showing Americans why we can’t afford four more years of him in the White House,’ the DNC said ahead of the trip on Thursday.”

  • Gray TV: “Ahead of Trump’s visit, Democratic National Committee spokesperson John Weber released the following statement: ‘South Dakotans — and voters across the country — don’t need a president obsessed with his own photo ops, especially in the middle of a crisis. They need coronavirus tests, they need personal protective equipment, and they need a president who’s willing and able to lead us.’”



  • And Taking Nothing For Granted! DNC: Democrats Secure Key Victory For South Carolina Voters. “Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, and South Carolina Democratic Party announced that the South Carolina State Election Commission has agreed to provide prepaid postage on absentee ballot return envelopes for the general election.”



    • “In several primaries this spring, Democratic voters have embraced mail ballots in far larger numbers than Republicans during a campaign season defined by the coronavirus pandemic.”
    • “And when they urge their supporters to vote by mail, GOP campaigns around the country are hearing from more and more Republican voters who say they do not trust absentee ballots, according to multiple strategists. In one particularly vivid example, a group of Michigan voters held a public burning of their absentee ballot applications last month.”

KEEPING THE MOMENTUM. From cancelled rallies to depressed voter excitement, Republicans kept flailing this week. Meanwhile, Democrats are focused on growing our organizing strength across the battlegrounds.

  • DNC, Maine Dems Text 91,000 Mainers Encouraging Vote-By-Mail. “This week, the Democratic National Committee and Maine Democratic Party held a virtual text bank encouraging Mainers to request, complete, and submit absentee ballots ahead of the state’s July 14 primary. Some 75 volunteers texted approximately 91,000 Maine voters. This effort follows an initial text bank held last month and continues Democrats’ months-long effort to ensure voters can safely cast their ballots.”
  • NV Dems: NV Dems Launch Coordinated Campaign with Virtual Ice Cream Socials Across Nevada. “As NV Dems continues to expand our field program, organizers hosted meet-and-greet events with new and veteran volunteers. Field Organizers hosted seven virtual ice cream socials engaging Democrats up and down the state to talk about the critical role Nevada will play this election cycle and the need to elect Joe Biden in November if we want to ensure our state recovers from this pandemic.”

WEEKEND READING: Washington Post: DNC blasts Facebook for ‘unkept promises’ ahead of ad boycott meetings. “The Democratic National Committee on Tuesday assailed Facebook for ‘unkept promises’ in a wide-ranging memo drawn up ahead of meetings between the company’s top executives and leaders of an intensifying ad boycott over hate speech and misinformation.”

Make sure to follow the DNC’s War Room (@DNCWarRoom) to get real-time updates on Trump’s abuses of power and broken promises.

Happy Friday! 

The DNC Comms Team