DNC Calls Out MAGA Clown Show As Trump Throws House GOP Into Chaos 

After 21 days of infighting and chaos, the House GOP’s latest nominee for speaker lasted less than five hours before Trump torpedoed his nomination, leaving the Chaos Conference leaderless once again. To call out the continuing clown show, the DNC brought more clowns to the MAGA circus on Capitol Hill to remind hardworking Americans who’s responsible for the neverending chaos that’s paralyzed the People’s House. 

If the past three weeks of chaos have proven anything, it’s that Donald Trump is still the ringleader of the House’s GOP circus and that’s not changing anytime soon. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene: “The GOP conference is changing, and it’s changing to reflect America First, and Republican voters overwhelmingly support President Trump — and the GOP conference and the speaker of the House should do the same.”

Politico: “By Tuesday afternoon Trump called one person close to him with the message, ‘He’s done. It’s over. I killed him.’

Just minutes later, Emmer officially dropped out of the race.

His withdrawal made Emmer the third nominee for speaker to have his hopes dashed for the most cursed job in politics. And it showed that while Trump may not be able to elevate someone to the post — his earlier choice for the job, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), also flopped — he can very well ensure that a person doesn’t get it.”

Melanie Zanona, CNN: “NEWS: Emmer has DROPPED OUT of the speaker’s race hours after becoming the nominee, per sources, as he faced fierce opposition from the Trump wing of party. 

Three weeks without a speaker and House GOP has now gone through THREE different nominees.”

With House Republicans and the party of Trump in charge, chaos and complete disarray continue to reign — instead of actual governing. 

Politico: “‘Are we screwed?’: Anguished House GOP seeks fourth speaker pick”

“Their third speaker pick in three weeks lasted barely four hours. Now, with their desperation on full display, Republicans are trying again.”

GOP Rep. Vern Buchanan: “It’s outrageous. It really is. It’s outrageous. … People are upset back home … They just feel like we can’t manage.”

Josh Bresnahan, Punchbowl News: “.@RepMaxMiller doesn’t think anyone can get 217, including Mike Johnson”

The Messenger: “New Day, Same Problem: Latest House GOP Speaker Nominee, Emmer, Facing Failure” 

Haley Talbot, CNN: “This is where we are.”

Karen Tumulty, Washington Post: “This comparison to what has been happening on Capitol Hill this past few weeks is a real insult to hard-working circus performers who are just trying to provide harmless fun, not keep the government functioning.”

Bryan Metzger, Insider: “this is deada— not funny any more. we are tired. please just choose someone”