DNC Chair Statement on Ted Cruz’s Call for Police Patrols of Muslim Neighborhoods in the U.S.

“Ted Cruz is a disgrace. His comments today were worse than opportunistic and inappropriate politicking in the wake of the terrible tragedy in Brussels – they were a shameful display of hate that only serves to foment anger and make the world less secure. Barely before the smoke had cleared, he declared that – here in the United States – we should institute police patrols in Muslim neighborhoods. This is not leadership; it is fear-mongering for political gain. And this is the sad state of Republican leadership today, where the hateful and divisive rhetoric of the GOP’s presidential candidates seems to reach new lows each day. We need to elect a commander-in-chief with the temperament and judgment to respond wisely to the threat of terrorism and global unrest, not a demagogue who defaults to militaristic escalation and racial or religious profiling.” –DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz