DNC Chair Statement on Trump Defending Offensive Tweet

WASHINGTON –  Donald Trump defended an anti-Semitic tweet, which originated on a white supremacist blog last night at a rally in Cincinnati and in a follow up tweet tried to compare it to a Disney book. David Duke had recently acknowledged that the graphic in Trump's tweet was the Star of David. DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: 

“Donald Trump’s defense of a tweet that originated on a white supremacist blog is only the latest indication that the divisive nature of his campaign is no accident. Whether it was failing to disavow David Duke, dismissing concerns of Jewish reporters who have been harassed by his supporters, or tweeting out coded anti-Semitic appeals, Donald Trump is disqualifying himself from serving as President of the United States. Language and discriminatory tactics that pit Americans against one another have no place in any campaign, and are unconscionable from someone asking the American people to elect them to the presidency. America is better than this.”‎