DNC Chair Tom Perez on Start of Open Enrollment

Marketplace open enrollment season for 2019 begins tomorrow and runs through December 15. DNC Chair Tom Perez issued the following statement urging Americans to visit www.HealthCare.gov to access quality, affordable health care and get covered for 2019:


“Tomorrow, the HealthCare.gov marketplace officially opens for business – enroll tomorrow!

“Democrats believe that health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the wealthy few. That’s why we fought to pass for the Affordable Care Act. It’s why we’ve fought tirelessly to preserve protections for pre-existing conditions and prevent Republicans from sabotaging the law. And it’s why we’re encouraging Americans everywhere to get peace of mind and sign up now. Coverage may be more affordable than you think – most people can find plans for $75 or less per month because of financial assistance. The deadline is December 15, so don’t wait until it’s too late.”