DNC, DSCC, DCCC & PA Dems Statement on Winning Pennsylvania Voting By Mail Case

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Jaime Harrison, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Chair Senator Gary Peters, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chair Representative Suzan DelBene and Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair Senator Sharif Street released the following statement on the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court’s decision in Bonner v. Chapman, rejecting the GOP’s attempt to invalidate Act 77, which provides Pennsylvanians the right to vote by mail: 

“Democrats have successfully fought back against Republicans’ ongoing and baseless efforts to attack Pennsylvanians’ popular right to vote by mail and obstruct how elections are administered. We will continue to use every tool at our disposal to protect the ability of all Pennsylvanians to exercise their right to participate in our democracy and to oppose Republicans’ voter suppression tactics.”

Additional background:

  • Following the 2020 election, after millions of Pennsylvanians relied on Act 77’s newly introduced mail-in voting procedures to exercise their right to vote, Republicans turned on the law they once supported and have since filed multiple lawsuits seeking to eliminate mail-in voting.
  • In this lawsuit, 14 Republican legislators, 11 of whom voted for Act 77, sought to strike down the law and eliminate the mail-in voting scheme in its entirety.
  • The court rejected the legislators’ arguments in favor of striking down Act 77, preserving Pennsylvania’s mail-in voting system.
  • In doing so, the court preserved the method of voting used by over three million Pennsylvanians to participate in the 2020 and 2022 general elections.