DNC launches digital homepage ads highlighting Trump’s failed COVID response in Atlanta Black Newspaper

Georgia Democrats hosting press call today with Stacey Abrams highlighting how Trump’s ineffective coronavirus response especially damaging for Black Georgians 

Ahead of President Trump’s trip to Atlanta today, the Democratic National Committee is launching a week-long digital advertising campaign highlighting Trump’s failed coronavirus response on the homepage of the Atlanta Voice, a Black newspaper. The Atlanta Voice reaches voters in Atlanta and the surrounding metropolitan area, where Trump is set to visit today.

Additionally, this morning at 8:45am EDT, the Georgia Democratic Party will host a press call with Stacey Abrams and Savannah Mayor Van Johnson to discuss how Trump’s failed, ineffective coronavirus response has hurt Georgia’s Black community, and how Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Plan will help create new, good paying jobs. Black Georgians have contracted and died from coronavirus in higher numbers and Black workers have been consistently overrepresented among unemployment claimants over the course of the coronavirus.

“Trump’s failed coronavirus response has cost Georgians their jobs, lives — and been especially damaging for the Black community,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “Just like he has for three and a half years, Trump has been more focused on his Twitter fights and himself than helping working families — now COVID-19 is spiking and our economy is in shambles. Nothing he says today can erase his record of incompetence and failures, and Georgia voters will hold him accountable. “

These digital advertisements will appear on the Atlanta Voice’s homepage—including multiple banner ads—and will run for a full week. Images of the ads are below: