DNC Launches GOTV Paid Campaign with Kerry Washington and Chris Paul

In the lead-up to Election Day, the DNC launched digital advertisements featuring Kerry Washington and Chris Paul which are appearing on The Shade Room and Players TV. In the ads, Kerry Washington and Chris Paul highlight the stakes of the midterm elections and ask viewers to make a plan to vote today by going to IWillVote.com. These ads will run through Election Day on The Shade Room and Players TV platforms. 

“This is one of the most important elections of our lifetimes, and Democrats are going everywhere to reach voters where they are ahead of the midterms,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “Our freedoms are on the ballot, and we are going to continue reminding voters how important it is to make their voices heard and vote.”

Kerry Washington transcript:

Hey, it’s Kerry. So I do not have any tea to spill or shade to give. However, I do have an ask of you. Please, I am asking you to step up this November.  […]

So please, please make your voice heard during these critical midterm elections and elect Democrats who will stand for your rights. […]

It’s just– it’s too important to sit this one out. 

So visit IWillVote.com, IWillVote.com, and join me. Make your plan to vote.

Chris Paul transcript:

Our rights are on the ballot on November 8th. Your vote is your voice. 

Make sure it’s heard this election season by heading to the polls. Visit IWillVote.com today and make your plan to vote for the best leaders on the ballot.