DNC Launches Homepage Takeover of The Michigan Chronicle ahead of Republican National Convention
August 27, 2020
Today, ahead of the Republican National Convention, the Democratic National Committee is launching a homepage takeover of the Michigan Chronicle to reach Black voters in the Detroit area and highlight how the Trump administration’s coronavirus response has failed Michiganders.
The Michigan Chronicle is one of the most respected Black newspapers in Michigan, and has been in circulation since 1936.
The ad buy is part of a major effort by the DNC, the Michigan Democratic Party and the Biden campaign over the course of the RNC, highlighting the truth about Trump’s chaotic presidency. In addition to the advertising, Democrats will host events with Michigan and national surrogates and utilize a variety of additional tactics.
“The Republican chaos convention does nothing to change the reality of Trump’s failed leadership for Michiganders, from his ineffective handling of the pandemic to his betrayal of the auto industry, “ said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “What you won’t hear this week at the GOP convention are the stories of Michiganders across our state who have been let down by Trump’s incessant attacks on health care, his disastrous trade policies, and attempts to sell out our Great Lakes. Michigan is hungry for new leadership and looks forward to holding him accountable this November.”
These digital display banner ads will run for 24 hours on Monday, August 24 during the first day of the Republican National Convention and reach voters in Detroit. Images of the ads are below: