DNC Launches Print Ad Campaign Mobilizing Black Voters In Milwaukee
September 18, 2020
Marking The First National Black Voter Day, Milwaukee Community Journal Ad Highlights Impacts Of Trump’s Failures On Black Wisconsinites’ Jobs And Lives
On the first National Black Voter Day, the Democratic National Committee is launching a full-page print ad in the Milwaukee Community Journal calling out Donald Trump’s failed pandemic response and directing readers to IWillVote.com — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation website.
“Donald Trump didn’t tell Wisconsinites the truth about the coronavirus, he’s been totally incompetent and ineffective in responding to this crisis, and now working families — especially Black Wisconsinites — are paying the price,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “Over the last four years, communities of color have borne the brunt of Trump’s broken promises, and now because of his failures the coronavirus is costing too many Black families their lives and livelihoods. Voters will hold him accountable, and through resources like the IWillVote.com website, Democrats are making sure they have the information they’ll need to make a plan to vote Trump out of office.”
“We cannot afford another four years of Donald Trump’s chaotic presidency and the DNC is not taking nothing for granted this November,” said DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins. “We are making the much needed investments in Black communities across the country to ensure every voter is able to make themselves heard at the ballot box.”
This week, the Biden campaign and Democratic National Committee announced new features on IWillVote.com that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.
The ads highlight Trump’s infamous comments during the 2016 campaign to African American voters — “What do you have to lose?” — and will run for one week.