DNC on 5th Circuit Health Care Ruling

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on Texas v. United States:

“Donald Trump and Republicans went to court to destroy Americans’ health care, and now they’re closer than ever before. This decision is a threat to millions of Americans, putting affordable coverage and protections for those with preexisting conditions at risk. Republicans know the American people don’t support their relentless attacks on health care, which are spiking premiums and jeopardizing access to coverage. That’s why they’re pretending to care while plotting to take care away. But Americans will not be fooled. They know that Trump and Republicans have no health care plan other than ‘slash and burn.’

“Make no mistake: health care is on the ballot in 2020. And the American people are ready to elect a president they can trust to protect it.”