DNC on America Preparing to Reach 200,000 COVID-19 Deaths
September 21, 2020
DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement as the United States approaches 200,000 deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic:
“Donald Trump said this pandemic would magically disappear. Instead, 200,000 lives have perished, millions of jobs have vanished, and our once growing economy under Barack Obama and Joe Biden is now a dim memory thanks to this president’s failure. These burdens have all weighed heaviest on Black and Brown communities. But this suffering was not inevitable. It was the product of having a president who only cares about himself, a man completely devoid of compassion and competence. Enough is enough. Donald Trump’s lies have cost lives. At the very least, it should cost him his job. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will put the health and safety of the American people first. They will get this pandemic under control and get Americans back to work. And in the rubble Donald Trump has left, they will help us build back better.”