DNC on Independence Day

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement marking Independence Day:

“On this day 247 years ago, our country’s founders declared the United States’ independence and put forth the lasting foundation upon which our nation was built – that all people are created equal and endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

“Through world wars and geopolitical instability, our nation has stood tall as a beacon of freedom because of the sacrifices made by our service members, civil rights activists, and all of the Americans who dedicated their lives to building a more perfect union. Today, we honor their sacrifices by recommitting ourselves to creating a country that is freer, fairer, and more welcoming to all. 

“As we celebrate today, we must remember that the great American experiment is based on the ideals of liberty and freedom. While we’ve made great strides in forming a more perfect union, more remains to be done to ensure that the true promise of America reaches each and every one of us. The Democratic Party believes that all people are created equal and will stop at nothing to uphold the idea upon which our nation was built. That is why we’re fighting for freedom; for more rights, not fewer  – and we’ll continue fighting until all of us are truly equal.”