DNC on June Jobs Report

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement in response to the June jobs report:

“Today’s jobs report is further evidence that Bidenomics is working. In just over two years, President Biden has helped create 13.2 million jobs – with more jobs added in two years than under any other president in four. The unemployment rate is historically low and has remained below 4 percent for the longest stretch since the 1960s. Under President Biden, the U.S. has seen the strongest pandemic recovery of any leading economy. Annual inflation is down by more than half since last summer. Wages are rising. And so much more.

“This is what Bidenomics is all about. While the former president gave tax giveaways to the ultra wealthy and let jobs get shipped overseas, we’re creating millions of jobs, driving down unemployment, and growing the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down. But while we see Bidenomics providing much needed relief to working families, MAGA Republicans are dead set on rolling back the historic economic progress we’ve made. If they had their way, we’d still be living under their failed trickle-down economic policies that have consistently lined the pockets of their wealthy donors and special interest groups while failing the middle class. 

“That is the difference between President Biden’s economic vision for a prosperous America and the MAGA Republicans’ vision for an America that only works for the wealthy while hard working Americans struggle to get by – and it is why voters will reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris to finish the job of building an economy that works for everyone.”